Death Is Gain: The artist behind MOS


Graphic Artist
Dec 16, 2006
Hello all, I hope this is alright to do this here. As some of you may know, I'm the artist behind the album cover for "Mirror Of Souls" (and Rudolph vs. Frosty! ;)). I just spent the last 6 months or so creating a 13 month calendar of my artwork for 2010 as well as getting my store built. Besides the new artwork, it is a conceptual piece as well, highlighting moments in a persons spiritual walk. You can see some of the images at my online store: as well as download some free desktop wallpapers and such. Thanks!
You are a great artist. Your stuff insires me. I draw stuff sometimes. maybe i'll post a pic or 2. yeah. I do lots of stuff based of of scripture, and usually a lot of symbolic stuff sometimes too. Can't wait to see the new theo album cover
Thanks! As cliché as it sounds, I owe it all to God. The link up there is to a free desktop that you can download off of there.

I know exactly what you mean. God gave me all the desire and patience to work with computer design. I amaze myself but have to remind myself it's not me who did all this. :headbang:
Got some shots of the final printed version of the calendar.
Here is the cover:

This is it open:

and of course everyone loves stickers, right?

Also getting some reviews in:
"Received them today...... They're awesome!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!"

"they're awesome! (much better then those from the church I used to buy) Kids like the skull stickers (of course! )"
Here is the image for the January. Titled "Thawing the Soul That is Frozen”

And the verse for it:
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Colossians 1:13,14
Here we go with February: "Cast Down"

Notice the weather theme running through out? The verse is:

How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

Isaiah 14:12
Okay, today's post is the month of March, titled “Return to Summerland”.

This piece is about being away from the Lord for a while (the winter wasteland), and then returning (summer gardens with warm fruit). I wanted to have some art in the calendar that wasn’t all dark and gloomy. It was originally titled “Leaving Summerland” and had a little girl walking out of the nice forest into the gloomy winter, but I changed it to have a happier meaning. The title is a little reference to the King’s X song “Summerland”. Notice that winter is giving way to summer. My wife thinks that it should be a cover for a Heart album. :D

The verse:
Restore us, O Lord, and bring us back to you again!
Give us back the joys we once had!

Lamentations 5:21