Death Machine Thursday June 26th @ The Gilroy Gaslighter!!!

Hey Jasun. Your'e on Powerslave's web site on the scene news section. Can't wait till Thursday. When are you guys going to make out flyers to hand out? I'm bringing a few other moshing buddies.
Right on Ken!!!!

Thanks for keepin us updated and I believe our web-guy has now put that up on the site. You kick ass man for being some people to the show this Thursday. We will see you there, we go on pretty early, like 8:45PM and we are the forth band.

To the band Death Machine... Good Luck at your show and may all strings and amp cables remain intact during all of your antics... especially to the one who plays the wicked cool bass...
It's mandatory to break a string on Friday the 13th. It fit perfectly into the show! Btw, I'm pretty sure I saw Broom Hilda in attendance.

Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to miss the show tonight. :( Some UNEXPECTED relatives are in town, so I don't think I'll be able to escape. Tear it up, guys, and I'll see you at the next show! Btw, are you going to Soilwork on July 18th at The Pound?


YOU FREAKING RULE MY BROTHA!!!!!!! No worries at all brotha, we appreciate you coming out to our shows all the time. YOU RULE POOCH and yes Troy and I will be at SW and IF's show man, SHOULD BE METAL!!!!