Death Magnetic is online

Cap'n, be careful...if you're using Soulseek some of those tracks are may have some difficulty finding the real ones.
It's probably a sting operation.

Haha the coolest part about all of this is that no one can do jack shit about it. It happened in France, and the French have much better things to do than arrest someone who put some shitty music online.

The record store could get sued but that's about it. It's not like someone's going to jail like in the GnR thing.

This is a perfect test to see if downloading is really and truly hurting the music industry as much as people say it is. Everyone is eagerly awaiting this album, even the detractors, and we'll see in the coming weeks if leaks like this really do significant damage to the artists. If not, Lars Ulrich has got a lot of crow to eat.