Death Magnetic is online

What if the album is a giant shit and no one buys it BECAUSE they heard it first and disliked it?
ROFL!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! THIS is what everyone's been waiting for? The drums are H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E, as well as just about everything else.

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You know, for a split second there, about a year ago I was actually pretty excited to hear the new stuff...then I heard their snippets they released and it just confirms that this band doesn't know how to play metal anymore. The riffs are average at best and the drumming is absolutely horrible...what is Lars' affinity with the snare?
This really as bad as people were making it out to be... It's not the greatest record ever made, but song writing wise? This is leagues above St. Anger.
It just seems like a band trying to write complicated things who don't know what they're doing. At least St. Anger was just raw and stripped down. This sounds like a garage Metallica tribute band.