Death Magnetic is online

Got myself a nice copy of it now, 320k, friends rip. That shit quality one that was going around soulseek, the 128k WMA's? Fuck that. This album sounds excellent.
Btw, should mention that the 320k going on Kerrazy and Demonoid is not actually 320, but a 192 from usenet transcoded up to 320 by some jackass. The real 320 should be spreading soon, as well as a flac should be going up by the end of the day.
I'm not spreading it (obvious reasons when you think about the band we're dealing with here)... but it should be around every where later today. I know a scene group, fjortiso, put up a 192 rip which isn't nuked.
Coming from a guy who listens to Amon Fucking Amarth AKA as Unleashed worship cliché sweden metal with a marketable image for the Hot Topic crowd ( Vikings are METAL !!!).

I really think people who tries to find pathetic angles to bash Metallica think they give a validation to their wounded, lonely and pathetic ego.

I bash Metallica therefore I live.

Don't you have better things to do ?

Save the bandwith of the internet for ecological purposes for example ?

Kids these days ...

P.S : You call Metallica bland and I kinda agree, Amon Amarth is so deep man, it always make me thinks about my place into the cosmos and shit ... So deep and emotional ... All Hail ODIN !!!

Wow this guy is a gigantic faggot.
That Was Your Life imo is the only one worth anything, and that's because it's the riffs from Seek and Destroy and Jump in the Fire mixed together.