Death Magnetic is online

I have actually tried to like this album and I can't, not even for the life of me. Every time I hear or see a good review about it, I automatically question myself and my initial opinion and go back and listen to it all over again. But every time I do that, I arrive to the same conclusion: it's one of the worst albums they've ever done. I must've done this at least 10 times.

Always go with your gut, but it never hurts to give something a second, third, or tenth chance. It just sucks that I can't enjoy this album because I really want to and had lots of hope for it. Oh well. :(
I am discovered :tickled:.

Seriously though, Death Magnetic isn't as good as the old stuff, but I love it, it has solid songs, and it sounds a bit like ..And Justice. Only thing I hate is the mixing.