Death Magnetic


Apr 7, 2006
Gold Coast
Whats everyones thought on it now that its been out for over a month?

They have done a ton of advertising for it. Advertising on wrestling, on tv and in all the music stores. I couldnt walk into a Sanity or JB without being bombarded by posters and signs for "cheap" death magnetic at $24.99

Has all the advertising paid off? How much has the album sold?

As for my thoughts on it, its a hit and a miss. Some songs are alright, others are crap. And some have good parts and crap parts..... so basically its a regular Metallica album.

Is it the next Master of Puppets like it was being promoted as?
No, but its damn well better than Reload and St Anger.

It reminds of ...And Justice For All and the black album. If they threw the riffs that were left over between those albums you would have Death Magnetic. Although the drums remind me more of St Anger than anything else. They need to lower them in the mix. Lyrics are ok, about what you would expect from a Metallica album, not as good as the lyrics on Load.
A good return to form, they show that they can still rock out with the rest of them.

Anyways, whats everyone else's thoughts on this album?
I haven't even bothered to download it yet.

will pick it up at a later date.

torn between some of the songs I've heard off it.
they have great elements but also stuff that makes them shit -mainly the production of the drums.

like a lot of my friends, find this to be the 'crawl back album", allowing the band to more away from the pop-metal sound of their post-Black era.
If the next album is shite, expect the band to break up and people to honestly stop caring about them.
I'm a fan. I would probably give it an 8 out of 10, which is less than Load or the first 4 albums, but certainly higher than Re-Load and St Anger (both of which I like). At first I liked it but didn't "get" most of it until I had had a few listens, but now I am very impressed. The fact they are playing many of the songs live is also very impressive, James is really awesome. That Was Just Your Life is one of the best songs to come out in years.

As for how well it is selling, it is currently the best selling album in Australia in over 2 and a half years.
I'm a fan. I would probably give it an 8 out of 10, which is less than Load or the first 4 albums, but certainly higher than Re-Load and St Anger (both of which I like). At first I liked it but didn't "get" most of it until I had had a few listens, but now I am very impressed. The fact they are playing many of the songs live is also very impressive, James is really awesome. That Was Just Your Life is one of the best songs to come out in years.

As for how well it is selling, it is currently the best selling album in Australia in over 2 and a half years.

Yeah Until Black Ice was released
Someone gave me a copy of the DM about a month ago, I have not been overwhelmed by the desire to listen to it or even remember where I left it...
One of the guys at work played some songs from Death Magnetic the other night. I don't know which ones they were, but they seemed to go for a long time without really getting anywhere.
Yes, the one track I heard left me with that feeling to! I'll be more inclined to listen to anything pre-Justice rather than locate where I left my copy of DM.

I have to say that Metallica's sellout was the biggest disappointment I ever felt in my musical life as a metal fan. That Cred is hard to get back.
I'm not. I like it.

The whole sellout/getting cred back arguement really shit me, when people are willing to rave about Machine Head's "The Blackening", then they sold out far worse than Metallica, but won't listen to Death Magnetic with an open mind. There are other examples worse as well. Megadeth's "Risk" is more of a money grab than anything Metallica ever did, and don't get me started on In Flames.
I'm not. I like it.

The whole sellout/getting cred back arguement really shit me, when people are willing to rave about Machine Head's "The Blackening", then they sold out far worse than Metallica, but won't listen to Death Magnetic with an open mind. There are other examples worse as well. Megadeth's "Risk" is more of a money grab than anything Metallica ever did, and don't get me started on In Flames.

I was pretty thrash metal mad back in the day and for myself and many others it really was a lifestyle so it was truely disheartening when Metallica did the complete about face they did after all their "true" talk. I realise it was folly on my own part to believe in such ideals and that I was possibly overly harsh for many, many years in my criticism of Metallica but to this day it will forever be a sore point for myself and many others.

As it stands I've only recently (past couple of years) able to listen to them again and enjoy it.