Death Metal Porn - Warning, contains scenes of a sexual nature!

Na, i don't think the videos are offensive or shocking.. i just don't think it is "cool".. dunno how to explain it.
And i don't care if someone will cry because of the video either xD I think it's boring and stupid.
Dang, the Necrophagia movie brings back memories. I was introduced to Necrophagia by a good friend who was the vocalist for a band I was in around 1999 or 2000. He died a few years back so this is a little hard for me to watch but the memories are worth every second of it. For me, appreciating this music is about letting go of learned pretentions and embracing that silenced darker side of us all. You know the one... the part of our psyche that envisions ourselves ripping strangers out of their cars and mutilating them with our bare hands (of course due to super-human strength and a thirst for blood).
Thank You for posting this, Mick :kickass: