Death metal riffage - Monstrosity/Gorguts style


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
Just some riffs I threw together, need help with the arrangement.
The blasting at the end is a bit retarded, but that's intentional.
Forgive the terrible mix and playing, any ideas on the music/arrangement would be appreciated. Going for that floridian style both in terms of the mix and music. I'll probably be reamping the guitars at some point, I spent all of 5 minutes getting the tone.
Guitars are ec-1000 > 5150 combo > sm57

Go easy.
I would like to hear this there possibility to get mp3 version?
43,5 mb... :(

Monstrosity rullz!! :D
Hmmm it's not Monstrosity, but I like it. my opinion there's too much of everything :) - too much riffs (cool riffs) and tempo changes. But it's just my opinion - play as you like it :)
I'm a little bit retarded and I like simple music (Slayer...) but for example Monstrosity "Millenium" has a very simple arrangement :p
This song has potential.
Mix is old-school - I like it :)
drums need to be looked at from scratch! the guitars sound pretty good, but the drums dont bring the life they should! there isnt much advice i could give you, because no amount of simple tweaking will improve the drums. i just think start from scratch lol. the snare has no body, and the kick is maybe a tad high in the mix :/ i duno, theres alot wrong with them. guitars sound good though
I like it dude, theres definitely some sick stuff here :D The drum and guitar tone obviously need a bit of tweaking, but i'm looking forward to hearing more of this XD
The drum and guitar tone obviously need a bit of tweaking

AHAHA, this was only recorded so I could actually have a recorded version of it.
I'm not going to be polishing this turd any more than I already have :lol:
Thanks for the kind words on the music though, I wrote it to be played significantly faster, but evidently my guitar skills do not allow for much!
i'd definately keep the retarded blasting at the end + try to play it faster
but thats just me i always like it that way

i don't think theres too much going on, except for the part near the end where the right and left guitars are playing different lines,
also the drums sometimes contain a little bit too much variation, like on the beginning, where the hat alternates between hitting on the on and off beats, it is actually not a bad idea, but its a bit much for the listener

but i think the tempo changes are set on the right spots, also the bass fits nicely, and the drum beats sound like something a real drummer would play