Death metal's downfall

Is it just me or has 99% of new death metal is the same old shit we've heard in the past 10 years? It's the most unoriginal 'subgenre' of metal at the moment and will probably always will be. Then again, the most interesting metal around now is the stuff that you cant use the sub-genres names to classify 'cause they blend different styles together.
the death metal old school still exists and many bands that came from this origin changed their sound, introduced another influences, improved themselves as musicians and bla, bla, bla...

so, it's a matter for what kind of death metal bands you're listening to...if tou listen to Nile, Morbid Angel, Krisium and others in this vein, yes, they're very similar to each other, there's nothing new in their music. But, if you listen to Opeth, MotW, Gorefest (last two albuns) maybe you will find something different, another kind of death metal....ah, i just label this bands as death metal because of the growls (i don't like labels, i call everything as rock, metal and that's enough).

that's it.
Well, look at how that stuff gets marketed, I think it's a pretty good indication of what listeners in that subgenre are looking for:

Faster, Heavier, Lower, More Brutal

New bands eclipse each other in one of those categories in some minor way, and that's what makes them popular/sells records. There are some of the more famous bands that don't get subjected to this, like MA, but for the most part...
When a cd is marketed as "the most brutal death metal album ever!" I stay far away. To me that just means that there's going to be no such thing as melody, the drums are going to overpower everthing but the growling, incoherant vocals, and it's going to be compressed to shit so everything is at the exact same volume level (way to fucking loud).