Metal's Recent Popularity

Aug 16, 2002
Richmond, Va
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I was having a conversation with a guy who has been listening to metal for 6 or 7 years now and we talked about how much of a change in its popularity there has been recently. What do you think of metal's recent popularity? Do you think that it is going to become a trend just like "nu-metal" did? Will most of the nu-metal kids begin listening to metal and make it become more mainstream? Personally, the first heavy band I listened to was Slipknot, and my nu-metal stage lasted for maybe 6 months before I started listening to what I would today slate as "metal". How do you all feel with the recent surge of popularity that metal is receiving? Or do you even think this is true?
Nu-metal got real popular from the mid 90s because of Korn and it's still popular now but it'll probably die out soon and some new trend will pop up. Maybe some heavy metal bands can break mainstream, sell thousands of CDs and get mass media attention at times but I dont mind as long as they don't sellout like Metallica. Death metal bands and other extreme styles of heavy metal will never see the day of becoming a trend probably.
Reading your question, it looks as though you are mostly asking if it will become more popular in the US since we're primarily the ones stuck with this nu-metal thing. I still don't think North America is ready for metal in its true sense of the word. Nu-metal has made it a little more accessible, but regardless of how much more you hear about some metal bands nowadays, you still don't see them playing huge venues. I think that metal may have become more popular with the actual metalheads due to the fact that more and more European metal bands are touring over here. The popular stuff still remains rap, nu-metal, and the candy-coated boy band stuff. We still don't have Nile or Deicide playing at the Grammy's or anything like that. The hair metal of yore has made a comeback but I don't see death or black metal sudenly becoming trendy even in the next ten years. Again, we're just not ready for it. We don't like to have to think about our music, so all of this cheesy one-dimensional sugar coated stuff is right up our alley. God forbid we should have to try to decipher lyrics.
We still don't have Nile or Deicide playing at the Grammy's or anything like that.

But Entombed was nominated for a Grammy in Sweden eh? I was suprised.

By the way, God Forbid is so awesome.
Yes, and Nightwish won some sort of award in their own country as well. But I like Metal best when it's counterculture, and underground. It really starts to suck when big record execs get ahold of it and decide how to make it better.

Nu-Metal, or whatever the fuck it's supposed to be called, isn't Metal at all. So it doesn't count.

I don't see the surge in popularity you are speaking of, to be honest. At least not in the US. I'm glad if it's breaking through in other countries, but if that means more phonies and media darlings will be joining the ranks, then I'll pass. Keep Metal METAL.

nu metal isn't metal?...oh so you're one of those people...ha ha

its called nu "metal" for a reason...becuz it is metal...but anyway...

metal will never get popular over here in the USA....everyone wants to be sexy and shit like everything to do with death metal and black metal is out...maybe metalcore could survive or something....or could there be oh my...

a glam metal?...ha ha
digitaldemon62 said:
nu metal isn't metal?...oh so you're one of those people...ha ha

its called nu "metal" for a reason...becuz it is metal...but anyway...

metal will never get popular over here in the USA....everyone wants to be sexy and shit like everything to do with death metal and black metal is out...maybe metalcore could survive or something....or could there be oh my...

a glam metal?...ha ha

LOL, yeah I'm one of those :p

They call it nu "Metal" to lend legitimacy to a musical style that reeks. It isn't Metal.

Glam "Metal"--how dare you bring up such an abomination?! :yuk::yuk::yuk:


MURAI said:
Nu-metal got real popular from the mid 90s because of Korn and it's still popular now but it'll probably die out soon and some new trend will pop up. Maybe some heavy metal bands can break mainstream, sell thousands of CDs and get mass media attention at times but I dont mind as long as they don't sellout like Metallica. Death metal bands and other extreme styles of heavy metal will never see the day of becoming a trend probably.

I agree. :headbang: Metal bands deserve the slowly growing success they're getting over here, with stuff like the Dio/HammerFall tour, ProgPower, Blind Guardian, Symphony X, Immortal, etc etc touring...It's honorable and glorious to me. Especially if it's a metal band that's not from this country originally - that takes hard perseverance.
...Metal's recent popularity? For the US, there is no true metal popularity, except for all of us metal heads... metal is completely disregarded by everything that is pop-culture, except for nu-metal, however I'd say nu-metal isn't really even that insanely popular... and black/death metal will NEVER hit the mainstream... and I don't care at all... fuck mainstream/commercial tools! :heh:
lots of kids, yes kids, in my town are slowly moving out of nu-metal and finding metal bands that i like and its pissing me off, it's happening already. None of them know dick, they all suck up to people like me (sounds very big headed) so they can get bands to listen to and look "cool" because they know "heavy" bands that not many others have heard of etc.... why cant kids just fuck off out of metal completely?
None_So_Vile said:
lots of kids, yes kids, in my town are slowly moving out of nu-metal and finding metal bands that i like and its pissing me off, it's happening already. None of them know dick, they all suck up to people like me (sounds very big headed) so they can get bands to listen to and look "cool" because they know "heavy" bands that not many others have heard of etc.... why cant kids just fuck off out of metal completely?

How about you stop being such an elitest retard and remember that you don't own any of the bands you listen to.
So what if kids like metal?
God forbid they should put money into the scene and enable musicians to live with a bit more comfort.
Hard economic times and other global political worries have a lot to do with the resurgeance of "hard" music.

This has been proven along the years going back to the 60-70's ... so I am not surprised that Metal is making a well deserved comeback!
Nu-metal is hugely popular, it's just that no-one takes it seriously except it's fans. It is a trend, and every trend dies-out for a while; it's just something that's not considered important in the scheme of things.
I don't know the situation in the US, but over here in Germany no one gives a shit about metal music. but there are some bands that occasionally appear in lower places of the charts, like Blind Guardian, Hammerfall or In Flames.
the charts are dominated lately by many cover versions of 80's hits, which is really a shame. who needs covers? but people buy everything that is presented to them, not knowing that there exists really interesting, beautiful music beyond all that crap.
I've stated before that I don't like the idea of mindless retards listening to good music without having the brain capacity to appreciate it.
However, it isn't my decision, and it doesn't really affect my enjoyment of the music, so blah.
At least I might stop seeing as many kids running round with linkin park hoodies...
How are bands like Slipknot and System of a Down not metal? Just because it is popular, doesn`t mean it is not metal, and I would MUCH rather want a 10-year old kid to listen to the latter bands than (c)rap like JaRule and Tatu.
i dont call that mtv crap nu-metal.there's no metal in it therefore i call it mallcore.

and that style has changed little in the perception of metal.Much like in the 80's,mainstream people see metalheads as immature people in an "in-between" stage of their lives and will eventually grow out of it.Of course those who dont "outgrow" it then are refered to as people who are living in the past.

metal has no place in popular music,and i wanna keep it that way.

[close-minded rant off] :D
It depends on what genre you're speaking of. Death, black, grindcore, and hardcore bands are not growing anymore popular than they have ever been towards the mainstream..and I doubt they ever will. However, bands like Killswitch Engage and In Flames with their recent effort in Reroute to Remain do seem to be making their way into the nu-metal kids world..and hopefully this cross over could open the eyes of ignorant jackasses worshipping Godsmack and Slipknot so they can begin understanding the term METAL..