Death Penalty

Death Penalty ...

  • Dunno ...

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i suppose then the acts committed are insane, horrible, thoughtless, on a huge scale and when the perpetrator shows no sign of remorse, ohh and when of course its been proven properly that they have actually committed the crimes, then i suppose for the well being of other people in the world it would be better off the kill this person than to let them stay alive. im thinking of the example in hannibal maybe thats the film, where they cant kill him, and they are moving him around in the stretcher and he bites someones nose off, you remember now???? such an insane man allowed to stay around to cause more violence and to never be of any addition to the world
of the person being the actual person that committed the crimes? well thats what i mean, when you absolutely know it was them. when there is no doubt about it whatsoever
StevenK said:
i suppose then the acts committed are insane, horrible, thoughtless, on a huge scale and when the perpetrator shows no sign of remorse,
ooh, so you're God and telling who's "insane" and who's "normal",.. ??

StevenK said:
ohh and when of course its been proven properly that they have actually committed the crimes, then i suppose for the well being of other people in the world it would be better off the kill this person than to let them stay alive.
'and when the perpetrator shows no sign of remorse' ???????????it can still come, and again... are you god?

StevenK said:
such an insane man allowed to stay around to cause more violence and to never be of any addition to the world
again,... why is the guy insane, and not everybody else..?
StevenK said:
of the person being the actual person that committed the crimes? well thats what i mean, when you absolutely know it was them. when there is no doubt about it whatsoever

That's my point, there'll always be doubt. Just to final a penalty.
yeah. for me the death penalty is okay.

there are too many people on this globe so i do not care at all. theyve done sth absolutely wrong so theyre not good enough anymore to live.
its cruel but living with 6 billion people is scary as well.
Mariner said:
yeah. for me the death penalty is okay.

there are too many people on this globe so i do not care at all.
so why do you even bother about little girls get raped and killed,.. that's 6 billion minus one person too...
well, if who i think is insane, is really sane, that means who i think is sane, is really insane, i always knew i was insane.
what i think i meant was if someone was to go around doing what is not normal eg. killing/raping/molesting on a huge scale, the general population would see that as abnormal/insane. im talking on a huge scale, like a serial killer type scale. i would prefer to see a guilty person like this die for a reason, instead of more innocent people to die for no reason. and of course only when you're sure that the person is guilty of the crimes
ohh yes i am god, how nice of you to notice
No. In the words of Albert Pierrepont, Britain's last executioner: "I do not now believe that any of the hundreds of executions I carried out has in any way acted as a deterrent against future murder. Capital punishment, in my view, achieved nothing except revenge."
i've done a kinda big paper on the death peanlty in the us for a class (about 3500 words). i searched tons and all the math is there. dp has solved absolutely nothing. crime is going up, it costs more money than life imprisonment and on a more personal note, it is the most brutal act someone can impose to another person.

there are many specialists on the dp, some have spent a lifetime on it, and they all agree on one thing. that if the country gave money to educate people, offer them jobs and give them some chance to get out of their misery things would be very different regarding crime. do they do that? no. it is not by luck the fact that most people on death row are poorly educated and/or out of families suffering from poverty. half the prisoners are black or of spanish origin, which shows a more than obvious discrimination against them, simple cos they cant afford good lawyers or anything like that (there have been incidents when the state provided lawyers have slept (?!?!?!?!) in the middle of the trial or have showd up drunk). it has also been proven that cops or other goverment officials have planted eveidence just to send some innocent guy on death row and finish up with the case. it goes on and on.

the point is:

are those on death row scumbags: most of them yes
do they deserve to die: some might think why not
but does it actually IMPROVE anything: NO

you dont have to take my word or anything. all the math is here: (us) (other parts of the world)

check it out, it would be good if at least you had some idea on this insane murdering rampage that goes on in "civilised" (muahahahahaha) america circa 2004.
do you actually know the us executes people who have comitted the crime prior to their 18th birthday, while they dont have any right to vote and they are under the legal custody of one/many adult(s)? only china, congo, pakistan and iran do that.

how about that...
sol83 said:
do you actually know the us executes people who have comitted the crime prior to their 18th birthday, while they dont have any right to vote and they are under the legal custody of one/many adult(s)? only china, congo, pakistan and iran do that.

how about that...

Why not executing the adult in charge too ? :Spin: