Death Penalty

Death Penalty ...

  • Dunno ...

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drama_queen said:
Why not executing the adult in charge too ? :Spin:
under the law, that should actualy be the case. their logic is just out of this planet. amazing.
sol83 said:
it costs more money than life imprisonment and on a more personal note, it is the most brutal act someone can impose to another person.
i never knew that it cost more to kill than to life imprison..
thats always as a factor as sometimes the cost of keeping a prisoner alive is insane especially over here in ireland. i thought death would be quick and cheap.
sol83 said:
if the country gave money to educate people, offer them jobs and give them some chance to get out of their misery things would be very different regarding crime. do they do that? no.
I agree there too, its not someones fault that they might not have gotten the same chance as other people in life. when i was talking about death penalty being ok i didnt consider this because, if someone can kill many many many people and get away with it for long enough, its not because they are stupid or had no chance in life or they had misery to be in when by comparison they caused so much more misery for others, its because they are a plain old psychopathic fuck thats just gonna keep on killing until properly stopped.
StevenK said:
i never knew that it cost more to kill than to life imprison...
exactly. i thought that too, everyone thinks that its quick and cheap. i can assure you its not. check the amnesty site. its all there. i can inform you of some excellent books if you're interested too.
StevenK said:
nah ive more than enough reading material for a good while
great. i just want the people to be aware of the facts. ok, you may have no problem with the execution of some scumbag but even then, its not worth it. thats what i'm trying to say. it doesnt solve anything, it doesnt minimize crime and it costs tons for the state itself.
and the people executed are not pedophiles, serial killers or anything. please, please, please, check the sites and/or find some info before you form an opinion. the numbers show the truth.
Generally killing people is a bad idea, i saw footage of a guy in an american prison being stabbed to death by two other inmates, they didnt care because they were already serving life so they had nothing to lose. Someone pointed out that if the state it happened in had a death penalty it would have possibly acted as a deterrent.
eye for an eye? then there'd be nobody left after some time....

turn the other cheek? then there'd only be assholes after some time....

a law (without a death penalty) and law enforcement? yeah, let's try that....
drama_queen said:
Why are almost all serial killers American ?
because they want to achieve the american dream: having power over others, being independent, having lots of sex, obtaining status, etc...

seriously: serial killers tend to strife for power/status, since they usually do not have a high social status - however, they try to feel powerful in a very twisted way - hence, serial killers mostly occur in societies in which status is very important - these societies are western developed countries and the most emphasis on status is in the US

(recall the Maslov pyramid of needs)
Alwin said:
because they want to achieve the american dream: having power over others, being independent, having lots of sex, obtaining status, etc...

seriously: serial killers tend to strife for power/status, since they usually do not have a high social status - however, they try to feel powerful in a very twisted way - hence, serial killers mostly occur in societies in which status is very important - these societies are western developed countries and the most emphasis on status is in the US

(recall the Maslov pyramid of needs)

good point maslov, tho pedro lopez 'the monster of the andes' one of the worst had 300+ killings,the highest ever, he was colombian, then theres andrei chikatilo, that russian sicko!!

landmine: probably the worst serial killer in the world
yeah, let's get rid of landmines!

btw, that spice girl keeps on sneezing

*hands her a handkerchief*