Death Storm '05!


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
I hate the media. It's snowing here in Chicago. We're supossed to get an average of 6-8 inches by Thursday morning. By the way the news is reporting it, you'd think we're having a blizzard and getting 2 feet of snow. It's's only snow! If you've lived here a bit, you'd know how to deal with it. Stop these goddamn "Kill Storm Approaching" news stories already!!

And that concludes my rant for the day.
:lol: If you lived in Arizona, you'd kill yourself.

Ten minutes of rain gets the first 15 minutes of every half hour newscast. They also break into programming with "Weather Alerts". It's tragic. We just had 36 hours of rain, which would be something to talk about if it was July, but that much rain in the winter is fairly common. But everyone was freaking out. And another storm is supposed to hit on Friday or so.

Last night some ninny put out a tornado warning for Glendale, and my mother-in-law called in a panic because none of the houses here have basements. Why do they not have basements? BECAUSE WE DON'T GET TORNADOES!! But a 20 minute tornado "warning" sends everyone into an uproar.

I really did think that Arizona was the only place retarded about their weather. I feel somewhat better knowing that Chicago is dumb too.
Did you guys get the 2 straight days of ice this weekend in Chicago to precede the snow? We've gotten at least 6 inches of snow in central Iowa already, and its still going strong. Not supposed to stop until tomorrow, I think. It's nice to finally get some snow with the cold weather. It wouldn't be too bad getting around in the snow, but all the ice underneath it can cause some problems.
After a few days of hard rain and some flooding, today is finally nice. We're supposed to start up again this weekend though. :cry:
You have to love all the local channels trying to out do the other on how bad it's supposed to be. It may have been a few years ago but the news people started hyping this one snow storm comming through. It got up like 6-8" predictions and we might have gotten an inch. It was halarious. I also like how everyone runs to the store and buys up all the milk and bread. You'd think they couldn't leave the house for a week.
people get too freaked about the weather..... last week we got 18 inches of snow, and it made a real clustterfuck out of things for a couple of days and the highway department didn't really do shit for plowing. we had power outtages in some spots that lasted 2-3 days. and of course the local news cameras were all over it.
In Portland, last year's storm is more news than this year. Last year's storm hit Jan 5th at 10:01 pm, oh no!!!! They laughed about it and said, "oh, there will be snow in the mountains, maybe light snow in the valley, but it'd be wet snow and melt off quick and not stick around." But I'll get up a little earlier for work, just in case. Of course, if I can't make it out there, that's tough shit.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Last night some ninny put out a tornado warning for Glendale, and my mother-in-law called in a panic because none of the houses here have basements. Why do they not have basements? BECAUSE WE DON'T GET TORNADOES!! But a 20 minute tornado "warning" sends everyone into an uproar.
I stayed in philmont new mexico which is a camp thats realy close to a small town that i think is called cimmeron? i'm not sure on the name and spelling but that was a year that there was a realy bad drought and they were having bear problems cause all the plants in thier diet were dying out from the lack of rain. But the first day WE get there it hails. then it hails at least for 30 minutes almost every day we're there. and this was like hail covering the ground like snow. and we're in our shitty tents.
then the day we left we were driving home through pitch black stormy darkness in the middle of the day. Once i got home I Had heard that a huge tornado had decimated that little town. that was crazy!
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
:lol: If you lived in Arizona, you'd kill yourself.

Ten minutes of rain gets the first 15 minutes of every half hour newscast. They also break into programming with "Weather Alerts". It's tragic. We just had 36 hours of rain, which would be something to talk about if it was July, but that much rain in the winter is fairly common. But everyone was freaking out. And another storm is supposed to hit on Friday or so.

Last night some ninny put out a tornado warning for Glendale, and my mother-in-law called in a panic because none of the houses here have basements. Why do they not have basements? BECAUSE WE DON'T GET TORNADOES!! But a 20 minute tornado "warning" sends everyone into an uproar.

I really did think that Arizona was the only place retarded about their weather. I feel somewhat better knowing that Chicago is dumb too.

We do get an occasional tornado. They are usually very small and don't last very long IF they hit the ground. Hey, I know these things as if I wasn't working where I do I probably would be in OK chasing those buggers.
If it ever snows in central arizona where it is lower than the mountains, I am calling in sick for first time EVER! :loco: o_O

Actually, it might be a big deal with the rain as I remember the last few winters being more dry than what is a typical arizona winter.
right before I got to Albuquerque for my 1 year stay here for job training, they had a huge hailstorm the size of baseballs I think. It damaged some cars in car lots so they had a hailstorm damaged used car sale :Spin:
We had two feet of snow about two weeks ago. I called in from work! By 3 0r 4 in the afternoon though the roads were passable. Its been awhile since we got that much snow it was fun.
It was funny during all our hurricanes last year here in florida the news broadcasts were all competing and making it seem a lot worse than it was. You would turn to one network and see a reporter lady standing in the wind holding on to a post like if she let go she would be carried away like dorothy. Unless she weighed 40 pounds, she wasn't going anywhere. Other networks, same thing. That's journalism. Today I actually had to put on my AC in the car, it was nice. Sorry, but I feel you guys...I used to live in the UP of Michigan. Now that's some snow! :yell:
Dragon's Kin is absolutely right with the people stocking up on food comment.
The weather people say, "Expect heavy snow and slow traffic."
And I hear, "Expect a shitload of customers and long lines in your store."
EVERY time they predict snow, the store is FULL of people. And then it snows a few inches. The roads are bad for one day, and then they're dry as my boner the next.
I'm also so sick of people here in Colorado complaining about the weather all the time.
If you don't like the cold and snow, then FUCKING MOVE OUT OF THE STATE!!