Death (the band) info please


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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I saw a Death video last night for some song from the Human cd.
It was awesome! Anyways, I'm looking to get into the band, what cd do I start with? Is it all this technically proficient? Good production as well as good musicianship is important to me. Thanks for the help

So, you saw the video for "Lack of Comprehension" (I think - are there other videos from Human?). Great song, indeed. Best from that album, too. The later Death albums are somewhat technical "death" metal, if you can call them that anymore. I'd recommend you to start with The Sound of Perseverance if you want something really well produced and well played, thoughtful music. My personal favorites are that album, Individual Thought Patterns (not so great production, guitars are kinda muddy etc - but the production doesn't mean horseshit to me) and Scream Bloody Gore (even worse production, it's their debut cd so what can you expect).
Yep dude, all Death is that Technically proficient and a a lot of their stuff is much better than that song (either Lack of Comprehension or Flattening of Emotions, can't remember, i always get the two confused....). If you back in their catalogue, the stuff gets less technical, and more thrashy. But all of the albums after are incredibly complex with amazing riffing, solos, drumming, and bass playing. Individual Thought patterns has the incredible drumming (absolutely amazing, must be heard!) of Gene Hoglan, and some amazing solos courtedy of Andy Laroque (may know him from King Diamond, or the solo in At The Gates "Cold"). Symbolic has Gene on Drums again, and some unheard of musicians on guitar and bass. The SOund of Perseverance again has a perfect line-up. Of them all Symbolic is the best I think, but that one happens to be the least complex of the new ones, but Chuck managed to find the perfect mix of brutality, complexity and melody on that album, though sounding nothing like the Swedish "melodic" sound. Very good stuff indeed.
In order to fully appreciate this amazing band, perhaps you should start with "Spiritual Healing", on which the band still isn't quite as technical as later - follow this up with "Human", and then "Individual Thought Patterns"; in my opinion, these are the three important Death albums.

The albums prior ("Scream Bloody Gore" and "Leprosy") were fantastic at their time, but have aged; the later albums ("Symbolic" and "The Sound of Perseverance") are great, but lack the true spirit of the band (again, in my opinion).

Another suggestion is to purchase "Fate", which is a compilation album which gives you tracks from the band's entire discography (up 'til 'Fate'), it's chock full of quality Death ....