
The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Okay, so after obtaining some older death/thrash [Cancer (thanks V5 :kickass:) and older Sepultura], I've realized that I really like this genre, so give me some recs.

Pestilence - Consuming Impulse (best cover art ever too)
Massacra - Enjoy The Violence
Torture Squad - Pandemonium
First and foremost:



Possessed - Beyond The Gates
Megaslaughter - Calls From The Beyond
Merciless - The Awakening
Sadus - Chemical Exposure
Sadus - Swallowed In Black
Morbid Saint - Spectrum Of Death
Messiah - Hymn To Abramelin
Agressor - Neverending Destiny
Exhorder - Slaughter In The Vatican
Demolition Hammer - first two
Mutilator - Immortal Force
Expulser - The Unholy One
Chakal - Abominable Anno Domini
Executor - Rotten Authorities
Necrodeath - first two
Sextrash - Sexual Carnage
Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance
Mortuary - Blackened Images
Rigor Mortis - Rigor Mortis
Morbid Saint - The Signal To Attack
Turbo - Last Warrior
Protector - Golem
Slaughter - Strappado
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire
Infernal Majesty - None Shall Defy
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Devastation - Idolatry
First and foremost:



Possessed - Beyond The Gates
Megaslaughter - Calls From The Beyond
Merciless - The Awakening
Sadus - Chemical Exposure
Sadus - Swallowed In Black
Morbid Saint - Spectrum Of Death
Messiah - Hymn To Abramelin
Agressor - Neverending Destiny
Exhorder - Slaughter In The Vatican
Demolition Hammer - first two
Mutilator - Immortal Force
Expulser - The Unholy One
Chakal - Abominable Anno Domini
Executor - Rotten Authorities
Necrodeath - first two
Sextrash - Sexual Carnage
Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance
Mortuary - Blackened Images
Rigor Mortis - Rigor Mortis
Morbid Saint - The Signal To Attack
Turbo - Last Warrior
Protector - Golem
Slaughter - Strappado
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire
Infernal Majesty - None Shall Defy
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Devastation - Idolatry

Indeed! Let me put huge emphasis on the greatness of The Awakening and None Shall Defy.
Demigod, Dew-Scented, later Testament, some of Kataklysm's stuff
Nightmares Made Flesh by Bloodbath is more death, but has a kinda thrashy feel. Great stuff!
I dunno how to categorize Shadows Fall; elements of death, thrash, and metalcore. Mostly thrash, though.

Of course, the best would be Swashbuckle.
The first album is, anyway.


Thanatos - Emerging From The Netherworlds
Mathiäs;6675778 said:
They're like thrashcore, if there is such a thing

thrashcore is actually bands like Dirty Rotten Imbeciles and Strong Intention. go back to school.

Shadows Fall is just modern thrash metal.

oh and I gave Dark Angel another chance, due to a friend's recommendation. good stuff, I really like Darkness Descends. so much, that I purchased it earlier today from The End Records.
speaking of which, can anyone recommend me albums similar to Darkness Descends?

y'know, stuff thats fast and has chugging riffs and semi-abrasive vocals.