DEATHCODE SOCIETY - pre-order campaign launched

About the designer, the blood work for Watain is really impressive, isn't it ?
Yeah sorry, probably stupid to even mention it, you obviously were very realistic about the whole thing and did put in a lot of time already.

Now, I thought you chose the flexible funding because, as I interpreted the description, you would scale your production efforts according to the outcome of the campaign.
Something like this:
1000€ = all symphonic elements come from sample libraries
3000€ = sampled orchestra, real choir on some parts
6000€ = some real string orchestra + sampled instruments, real choir
8000€ = full orchestra + conductor

In any case, I think it is way too early to deem the campaign a failure. Hopefully, with some more material available to share (and to be shared also by the people who contributed and thus have a personal interest in the success of the campaign), more people will get on board. I believe the campaign could certainly get on more steam later on if there are sure signs of the whole thing getting together. It's hard to gauge an underground band's dedication from a campaign description, so anybody outside of the forums you usually frequent might be sceptical at first but still keep an eye on it.

Also, sorry to hear about the lack of label interest.
Actually right now I am in a very similar situation with my symphonic dark metal band "Aeons Confer", except that our album recordings are already finished. But we are right in the promotion phase and it'll be interesting to see if our label enquiries will return better results, or be similarly unsatisfying.
Here is last year's trailer for our album in case you are interested to check it out:
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We've had results with the labels, but I don't want to give the master for free, which is too often the case nowadays, due to the crisis. No way. Well, it is a bit more complicated than that, but without telling you the whole story, I already worked with several labels and, even if the relationship were not bad at all (good memories from the NB era), I have seen no advantage in working this way. Seeing my face in the magazines is not the thing I'm craving for at all. Moreover, I think this project is worth doing something special (luxury CD edition for example). For a beginning band, it is something impossible when you work with a label, or almost. The products are standardized, and unless you are as big as Demon Burger (just for the pleasure of the play-on-words, without offense if they read me hehehehe), you are not allowed to sell something more interesting than the usual stuff everyone gets. If we get the 8000 e, we will have enough to pay the graphic design, the production of the different offers (digipacks, tshirts, combos vinyle + TS), the conductor's advices and arrangements, one minute of real orchestra par song, and the choir. To record everything with a real orchestra, would have been a hell of a budget.
I really like your band. How comes I didn't knew you before ? Shared on my FB page !

By the way, we are preparing a short video clip. And we are also about to talk about some guests.
Cool, thanks for sharing it Arnaud!
I have just sent you a PM, as to not derail your thread by further plugging my own band.
And I'm looking forward to the video clip, as well as any other updates from you!
About the designer, the blood work for Watain is really impressive, isn't it ?

Honestly, I'd have to see the thing in person to really judge it, in theory it sounds like a very creative and interesting idea, but if it's not pointed out and the pictures of the process aren't shown, just by looking at the image on the website I'd take it as a normal piece of artwork like the rest of them, but with more red than usual. I'm sure looking at the real thing would be different, though
Valnoir (the designer) is really talented, has no boundaries and got a very interesting sense of humor. It suits perfectly our band's intents. I hope we can pay him very soon so we can unveil the designs.
I'm currently uploading a video on YOUTUBE, with studio and rehearsal footage. The orders are still a bit low. It's probably normal, but we hope the video will give the campaign a bit more energy.

No orchestra arrangement on it for now. Just imagine (John Lennon copyright).
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Thanx man. One day I'll do the same for you. Keep me tuned about the further events about your band.
Great, I'll take you up on that.

Also, in the next few days you might want to keep an eye on the news section of this online metal magazine:
Despite its name's implication it is actually not confined to the genre "power metal" at all. And although the site is in german, I assume you will easily recognize when there will be news relevant to your interests. :)
That's a bit pathetic for us in a way, but it has to be said. Only 40 contributors to the pre-order campaign, mostly close friends and family members (without forgetting the true die-hard supporters, hail them !) With 400 people, we could hire a professional conductor. With more, maybe a real orchestra, and deliver a true masterpiece, the way it should be. Interesting experience anyway.
If only you knew the incredible time I spend on promoting it. I even tried to contact every single man having one day talked about us on the Internet (some forum members here must have been spammed without mercy) :tickled:

:lol: funny thing, i checked my personal e-mail and i got a very interesting message in my inbox basically saying "check this band out if you like Xanthochroid" or something along those lines. i thought "how the fuck did this guy get my e-mail address. it's probably baiting me to some fuckin' malware site" or whatever. then i saw this thread and thought "okay, it's seems like it's for real.":lol:

anyways, your stuff sounds impressive man. i look forward to hearing more in the future.:rock:
Hey, sorry, but business is business, and talented band have to be known hehe. Everything for Art. :lol:

I'm gonna check you band out, so that I can give you back the kind words.
Hi guys, I let this thread die a bit not to give the feeling I was just a retarded spammer. I'm not retarded at all.

So, two or three news. First of all, line-up changes. Here is the official statement :

Here are some fresh news from our side, and things have to be unveiled.
The album is going to include seven tracks for almost 50 minutes of intense and sophisticated extreme metal.
The crowd funders have the possibility to pre-order an edition that will also include two cover songs, re-arranged and performed by DCS.

About the line-up, there had been strong changes as you may guess, but you have to know they did absolutely not affect the creative core of the band, which is exactly the same, from the birth of the Society until today.

Nor did them affect the skills of the Society. We are better than ever and at last able to burn your towns by playing live our anthems of destruction.

Benjamin, who helped us recording "Ite Missa Est" demo, is no longer a member of the Society. Because of his duties with his talented main band, he has just not enough time for DCS. For it became obvious we could not carry on living in the shadow of Sybreed and depend on their crowded agenda if we wanted to exist as a real band, both parts decided to part ways. There's no anger at all and we thank him for bringing to the band his voice and his own black magic.

We finally found an adequate replacement you will soon discover, since some of the vocals are going to be recorded in the next few days, and videos are going to be posted. There are no reasons to worry : the legacy is kept, and we are sure you will love our new singer as much as you like the former one.

As we are talking about singing issues, in the next few days, we are also going to tell you the names of a couple of guest singers we invited on two songs, written like a "black metal opera" if the expression means any sense.

So, there are many reasons to be joyful and hope for the best."

One of the guest singers :

We are glad to announce that St Vincent from BLACKLODGE will perform some vocals (along with the current singer and another guest) and write industrial arrangements with the band, on ONE of our song.
Please welcome the Master :

And, finaly, a short footage of the recording sessions :

Have I forgotten something ? YES ! The link for you to contribute ! 1030 Euros raised for now. We're far from the aim, but thanks to you, we will reach it for sure !