Deathcore early stages of mixing.. A little help.


Jun 17, 2008
Whats up guys... well i just started mixing a friends band (yeah i know there Hardcore/deathcore believe me not my cup of tea lol) but i rarely get bands to record and i just went at it...

Well yeah guys Im at this point now can you guys give me some tips on whats missing or wrong for that fact... i know the guitars and vocals arent mixed at all... just some HP and LP...(need to gate them) but how are the drums??? to much kick(crappy triggering lol) Yeah the drummer requested to have kick completely trigger so it might sound a lil choppy at times...

Well i just wanted you guys to give it a listen so when i come back from work I can continue mixing, but so that I know where my flaws stand.

Also yeah i know my mixing skills arent there yet but guys give me a break im doing this as a free job for them since i dont believe my mixes are worth anything :p
Initial guitar sounds like you've got some phase issues. If it's not phase, try moving the mic closer to the cab/towards the center of the cone.
Also, multitrack the fuck outta your vocals. More simultaneous takes= more brutality.
I am pretty experienced in dealing with the mentality of deathcore drummers with their kick triggers, usually I mic the kick and tell them it's just for reference or some crap like that, and then mix the trigger/mic like 30/70 and just don't tell them. It's so hard to get a 100% replaced kick to sound real, they're usually happier with the mic'ed one if you don't tell them, lol