Deathcore fans, I need your advice on a band I'm doing.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
How does this sound for a Deathcore band? clip.mp3

It's a rough clip, not mastered and not too processed.

Guitars = Jackson JDR-94 with DiMarzio X2N on bridge :)Puke:) > Wagner Sharp 2 > Recabinet Ghandi Impulses (2 tracks of 6L6 57 edge 1; 2 tracks of 6L6 4060) > EQ boosting some high freqs.

Bass = My shitty Harley Benton 5strings > POD Farm.

Drums = S2.0 Overheads and toms, Behindert's snare, Machine Head kick. EQed and compressed to taste.

How does it sound? Rate it 0-10 :lol:

Thanks in advance :headbang:
I think the guitars are a little too loud for this style of music. For the drums try making the snare hits softer during blasts but still randomize the velocity a bit

And just wondering, what plug-in or software do you use for sample replacement?

I give it a 8.5:
-0.5 for the blackmetalish lick that comes at the fadeout
-1 for not vocals
-1 for quite machinelike drums
+0.5 because he didn't write it
+60 because you subtracted wrong :lol:
Thanks for the answers :p
When I asked for some rating I meant on mix and stuff as I'm not involved in songwriting, but nvm :D

I made a new rough clip to test another guitar sound upon client's request. This time I used the Sterling 4x12 cab on Recabinet. EL34 and SM57 on the cone of the speaker, 1 inch from the grille. No blends this time, little EQ to boost high end and some surgical cuts on mids to get rid of boxiness.

Any input please?? :D
See ya!
I like it for me is really good Guitar sound is killer also I´m big fan of this style so cheers and I would like to hear more see you.