Deathcore-ish mix (DROP G!)

Well, you are part of my "Occupy The Zero Reply" day today because I think it sucks to have no feedback at all on a forum like this. So here's one observation on the mix.

The interesting guitar riff is buried behind the vocals and the less interesting guitar parts where the guitar just follows the kick drum pattern is put more up front. I feel the roles should be reversed.

As for the rest of the production, it follows the modern template of today's productions, which I'm sure was your desired goal.

Thanks for sharing the track.
I dig it. Snare could use a little work. Has this trash can resonance that doesn't sit well with me. Guitars sound good and vocals sound good. I think the vocals sit well in the mix, I wouldn't bring them up as they are on the border right now how they sit. Some parts are actually too loud so some automation could do some justice for those screaming parts towards the end. Nice work.