Deathcore music

Jo, I must say, during the last month I got into Deathcore a lot.
Part of that may be that Ive always been a Deathmetal guy, didn't like enything else, especially not the "olskool" metal like maiden and priest, I don't know.
Recently I got into Parkway Drive and Suicide Silence and must say I enjoy their music and them not being such wierdos as some of these tight leatherpants wearing straight metal guys.
I even listen to Deathgrind/Porngrind nowadays, its just funny and puchy music.

One the first page someone metioned he likes COF more than The Faceless or Whitechapel because its a real band.
Guess he wears tight leather clothing ...

Oh ja guys, you should totally check out Mumakil, they rape your ass.
Kinda a Death/grindcore mix.
I've been reading most of this, and I think a lot of people are just plain ignorant in their expression of distaste for this music.

Plainly said: Go listen to Whitechapel's newest album, A New Era of Corruption.

It's ridiculously good music. All reviews are excellent on it.

Go listen to After the Burial's Rareform Re-Issue. Played with 8 strings, real drummer, re-recorded vocals. It's a fucking work of musical genius.

If you want to download it, I put a torrent on demonoid.

Abigail Williams is like a black/death with some core element, and they're so good! Look for In the Shadow of A Thousand Suns.

Wretched is mostly death metal, but they have a small deathcore influence to them.

Vocals on their new cd are pretty boring, but the music is excellent.

Bring Me The Horizon is a complete waste of energy. I'm no fool.

Most deathcore is shit, I'll admit it, but don't fantasize that every band in the genre is shit. They are playing real music, and they do know what they're doing. Look up Kevin Lane from whitechapel, fucking insane drummer. Look up Chris Storey, who used to play for All Shall Perish. He's doing a project with Lorenzo Antonucci from Sworn Enemy, called Smash Face. Dude will shred your life off. Samus, from Abigail Williams, another insane drummer.

Look up Despised Icon, and their cd Day of Mourning. Yes, they have breakdowns. Yes, they're typical breakdowns, in a sense. But if you pull your head out of your ass and listen to the rest of the music, you'll hear some serious fucking music.

But I'm listening to Blind Guardian's new album right now, so don't think I'm just a core kid trying to run my mouth. I'm down with almost all metal, I've been listening to Amon Amarth, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Lamb of God, Avantasia, Through the Eyes of the Dead, all kinds of shit for years.

Speaking of TTEOTD, their 2010 album Skepsis is intense as fuck. Nothing new they haven't done before, but a really solid album.

Winds of Plague is shit. Their drums and keyboards are programmed. Really, listen to both albums. Prog'd drums as fuck.

and by the way, my buddies in Nova Prospect are coming back, if you look for their 2009 album Usurper, you'll hear what sounds like a better version of Black Dahlia. Not too fond of BDM, but Nova is good. They dumped the vocalist that wanted them to sound like BDM, and their shit is getting deathy, groovy, and just excellent.

I realize this was random, but I felt the need to say what I did. If you don't like a kind of music, don't come in a forum about it just to be a cock sucker.
What's that say about your life?

I've been reading most of this, and I think a lot of people are just plain ignorant in their expression of distaste for this music.

Plainly said: Go listen to Whitechapel's newest album, A New Era of Corruption.

It's ridiculously good music. All reviews are excellent on it.

Go listen to After the Burial's Rareform Re-Issue. Played with 8 strings, real drummer, re-recorded vocals. It's a fucking work of musical genius.

If you want to download it, I put a torrent on demonoid.

Abigail Williams is like a black/death with some core element, and they're so good! Look for In the Shadow of A Thousand Suns.

Wretched is mostly death metal, but they have a small deathcore influence to them.

Vocals on their new cd are pretty boring, but the music is excellent.

Bring Me The Horizon is a complete waste of energy. I'm no fool.

Most deathcore is shit, I'll admit it, but don't fantasize that every band in the genre is shit. They are playing real music, and they do know what they're doing. Look up Kevin Lane from whitechapel, fucking insane drummer. Look up Chris Storey, who used to play for All Shall Perish. He's doing a project with Lorenzo Antonucci from Sworn Enemy, called Smash Face. Dude will shred your life off. Samus, from Abigail Williams, another insane drummer.

Look up Despised Icon, and their cd Day of Mourning. Yes, they have breakdowns. Yes, they're typical breakdowns, in a sense. But if you pull your head out of your ass and listen to the rest of the music, you'll hear some serious fucking music.

But I'm listening to Blind Guardian's new album right now, so don't think I'm just a core kid trying to run my mouth. I'm down with almost all metal, I've been listening to Amon Amarth, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Lamb of God, Avantasia, Through the Eyes of the Dead, all kinds of shit for years.

Speaking of TTEOTD, their 2010 album Skepsis is intense as fuck. Nothing new they haven't done before, but a really solid album.

Winds of Plague is shit. Their drums and keyboards are programmed. Really, listen to both albums. Prog'd drums as fuck.

and by the way, my buddies in Nova Prospect are coming back, if you look for their 2009 album Usurper, you'll hear what sounds like a better version of Black Dahlia. Not too fond of BDM, but Nova is good. They dumped the vocalist that wanted them to sound like BDM, and their shit is getting deathy, groovy, and just excellent.

I realize this was random, but I felt the need to say what I did. If you don't like a kind of music, don't come in a forum about it just to be a cock sucker.
What's that say about your life?


Kill yourself. Please.
really, dickhead? i can hold my own against a keyboard warrior.

for real, what's so wrong with the music? there's talent theres thought behind it, and it really speaks to some people.

not everyone is a little scene faggot. i beat scene fags down in the pit.

i just happen to appreciate music that requires talent, regardless of what genre it is. recognize talent and stop being a fucking sect-whore.
really, dickhead? i can hold my own against a keyboard warrior.

for real, what's so wrong with the music? there's talent theres thought behind it, and it really speaks to some people.

not everyone is a little scene faggot. i beat scene fags down in the pit.

i just happen to appreciate music that requires talent, regardless of what genre it is. recognize talent and stop being a fucking sect-whore.

Just go fuck yourself faggot. No one cares about you, this thread or any fagcore music.
sounds like someone has an incompetency complex. grow a dick and be a man, not a cunt.

talk shit to people just because you think youre hard.

start your own fucking band instead of playing everyone else's shit. and CoB would hate you because you're a shit talking nobody. how about you be super metal and kill yourself?

sounds like we'd have one less slut to walk this fucking earth.

i made a post respecting music. you disgrace the name metalhead.
I agree that people should be more open minded to certain bands. Majority of the people that are a part of the so called "metal scene" shun the term deathcore.. but why does it really matter? If a bad sounds good to you then so be it. Who cares if it's not widely accepted by the metal populace. What really pisses me off is when kids begin to tell me that I'm not allowed to have an opinion because I like softer music as well. I have a taste for music. Simply put. I don't care what genre it is, and quiet frankly I just see genres as a way of categorizing and stereotyping bands. Music is Music and if you don't like it fine. Just don't use bullshit reasons to back up your opinions.
Now as for goods bands in my opinion, WhiteChapel, The Red Shore, Ion Dissonance(LOVE their highs when they do them), All Shall Perish, Knights of the Abyss(juggernaut album), Of Salt and Swine, ABACABB and Rose Funeral.
The UNO incident is funny, I'll admit. On a serious note, it is a tad disrespectful. If I saw someone playing a card game while I was on a stage I'd probably just move the pit towards them. Problem solved.