Sigma Elementa (death black metal band)


OMGOD, it's a superstars group! There is Ben Afffleck to the far left, Petri Lindroos besides him and Chris Pontius to the right! !!1!
reaper of hate are good but not that good :/
and there is already a thread about them!

and marcio, they can't be unoriginal cause they create songs with a little bit of influences
dude you are so imature, come on
I don't like the vocals and the drums of ROH and they are wannabe CoB. (I listened to all their songs on myspace)

and I did a thread for Sigma, so don't make advertising for other bands ok thanks.
I'm kidding, although it is true for me that RoH > SE. And you're the immature one for calling them a Bodom rip-off because they aren't even close to being one. There are a lot of reasons to prove otherwise but mainly Bodom doesn't have clean vocals. RoH might not have a great name and a lot of douchebags will judge them by that alone but the music is great and they have their own original touch to the music.

So :p
Sigma Elementa have their own original touch too!

Influences Everything can influence us but for the music part bands like : In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Windir, Graveworm. Melodic death and melodic black metal and we also have influences that come from different kind of music.

Sounds Like Sounds Like Sigma Elementa. Put In Flames swedish touch with Windir's Folk touch and a hole bunch of personel influences in a blender...and it might give a glimpes of what we do...but honestly...what we will do next is unpredictable.

haha I'm not a poor girl :D I'm lucky to know a good band like that
I didn't mean poor as in no money, it just means you're getting annoyed with Joe giving you a hard time...I'll leave. :erk:
I never said they weren't original :p or that I didn't like them (eventhough they stole an Arch Enemy song name :p and they have not such great vocals) but myeh, maybe SE and RoH should tour together someday to save our arguing :D.