christion black metal

The Greys said:
I was born catholic(non practicing). Is there a big difference between catholic and christianity ?.

Sorry I don't know anything about religion.
Catholicism is a branch or denomination of Christianity. The customs of Protestants and Cathlics (the two main branches of Christianity) are slightly different. BTW, I am a non practicing Catholic as well.
Life Sucks said:
I think it's great if Christians are open minded enough to listen to anti-Christian metal.

That being said, I have no problem with Christian metal, or Christians for that matter. I have a friend that is very Christian, and she is one of the best people I've ever met.

word, my good man.
You can't forget about all the strict religious people in the world that are crazy representing their religion. Not everyone born into a religion revolves around it. You can be a religion and view people as humans.

No one gets to see a lot of the sane people in a religion and start to have animosity towards groups.
The Greys said:
I was born catholic(non practicing). Is there a big difference between catholic and christianity ?.

Sorry I don't know anything about religion.

Catholicism is the most prevalent denomination of Christianity, due to the fact that it is one of the original denominations. (The fact that it became the official religion of the Roman Empire certainly helped).

Many call it the True Church and I agree but I have tremendous respect for Orthodox Christianity as it upholds similar teachings of ethics.

As for Protestantism....they can all burn in hell.
Music itself cannot be Christian, Satanic, Good, Evil, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. It's the intent of the person playing the music that defines what it is. There is no such thing as a Christian D Minor or a Muslim F Sharp. Music is music. Whatever you want to write your lyrics about is up to you, but no particular religion has any claim to any particular genre of music.
Pelata said:
Music itself cannot be Christian, Satanic, Good, Evil, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. It's the intent of the person playing the music that defines what it is. There is no such thing as a Christian D Minor or a Muslim F Sharp. Music is music. Whatever you want to write your lyrics about is up to you, but no particular religion has any claim to any particular genre of music.
I agree, and so the lyrics are all that differentiate... and I think these guys do a killer job, some of em :kickass:
Are they aloud to swear and use vulgarity in Christian Death metal?

Do they have pictures of interverted pentegrams on their cd covers?

And before I get hit I should say that I do appreciate the frist 2 Stryper discs!

Oy vey the shocking ignorance in this thread...
Are they aloud to swear and use vulgarity in Christian Death metal?

Do they have pictures of interverted pentegrams on their cd covers?
Yes, Christians can cuss. There is nothing in the Bible that says not to curse
Some denominations frown upon it though
Inverted pentagrams would be Pentacles, used by Pagan religions for channeling magical energies
They would probably put crosses on their album covers... you know, since that is the whole symbol for the religion and such?
Zephyrus said:
As for Protestantism....they can all burn in hell.
Now why the fuck do you believe this? You obviously are well versed in Catholicism and Orthodox-ism (or however you would say that) you don't know jack shit about Protestantism, and besides, you can't even lump Protestantism as a single denomination -- there are huge differences in denominations that are often mutually exclusive between the denominations, and no-one should put all Protestant denominations into one big pile, label them as all the same, and say "There ya go. Protestants suck"
ender7227 said:
Now why the fuck do you believe this? You obviously are well versed in Catholicism and Orthodox-ism (or however you would say that) you don't know jack shit about Protestantism, and besides, you can't even lump Protestantism as a single denomination -- there are huge differences in denominations that are often mutually exclusive between the denominations, and no-one should put all Protestant denominations into one big pile, label them as all the same, and say "There ya go. Protestants suck"

i was perhaps a bit rough but it is true that most Protestant denominations uphold much lower moral standards than that of the true churches of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Their lack of faith in the system of ethics has guided them down bad paths.

I respect protestants as human beings but I pity their souls. And the soul is what will be judged on the day of reckoning.
Zephyrus said:
i was perhaps a bit rough but it is true that most Protestant denominations uphold much lower moral standards than that of the true churches of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Their lack of faith in the system of ethics has guided them down bad paths.

I respect protestants as human beings but I pity their souls. And the soul is what will be judged on the day of reckoning.

How can Orthodoxy and Catholicism be the "true churches" when both embrace doctrines that the other defines as DAMNABLE heresies?
Zephyrus said:
i was perhaps a bit rough but it is true that most Protestant denominations uphold much lower moral standards than that of the true churches of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Their lack of faith in the system of ethics has guided them down bad paths.

I respect protestants as human beings but I pity their souls. And the soul is what will be judged on the day of reckoning.

Protestantism's "lack of morals", in my opinion, is caused by the embracement of modern popular culture. That is the only real cause of the degradation of morals you are talking about.
On the day of reckoning there is only one thing, in my beliefs, that will seperate the hellbound from the heavenbound. That is a personal acceptance of Christ and going out into the world to preach His word and spread His kingdom.
It is my belief that God laid down the Commandments and the other social rules in the Bible in order to keep humanity from shooting itself in the foot, to keep from falling to temptation. Thus, the rules and laws in the Bible are suited to that purpose and that culture. They are inapplicable and moot in today's society. Does that mean that humanity should go from morals and ethics, and only be Christians on Sunday? NO. Humans were created with a moral compass and in this day of education are taught to follow it for good reason. Due to this, I, personally, reject the Bible's rules and societies laws and let my own conscience determine what is right.

James 2:8 NIV
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right.