Deathmetal Powerball Recording


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Hey there...
Some of you probably know this tune already, it was my first metal-mix ever (and the first mix i posted here), and i was never really satisfied with it...
so i decided to work on it again, unfortunately i don't have any DI guitars or so, so i couldn't really do that much, all i could do was pretty much a different aproach in mastering...
anyway, please tell me what you think (keep in mind, it was my first metal-recording.....i know guitars are overgained etc...;) )


Eradicate - Deathmatch
Sounds nice:) Drums are pretty cool although I don't quite like the click of the kick. I agree on the bass guitar. A shame you can't reamp the guitars...not that they're that bad but I feel they are the weaker part of the mix and certainly weaker than your newer guitar tones. don't wanna know how the bass was recorded, and the band made me promise not to tell ;).
gits were powerball in channel 4 (!!) with gain at 3:00 o'clock
running thru 2 behringer DI boxes cause i had use a 30m cable.... ;)

i'm not the biggest engl fan anymore anyways nor do i like behringer;)

why is it just so hard to let an old mix go?...
you should not think about them anylonger once they're finished.....
How did you use the DIs? Was the cable connected to their xlr outs and then into the amp? I woud imagine that the impedance woud not match.

Ahh ENGL :dreaming:
I wish I had the chance to record one. I really like what I've heard from clips.
DI into Console from console to digital patchbay, routed thru the entire building into the room where the amp was, into DI backwards (didn't have anything else that time and place) into amp....

and we had hum and noise like crazy, the gutarist wasn't able to play the same riff twice (in sync) etc

i like the blackmore and the savage, but IMO there are way better amps out there.
i owned some of them like soldano, vht, mesa etc...engl just can't touch those (only my opinion).
plus they're fabricated poorly nowadays.
DI into Console from console to digital patchbay, routed thru the entire building into the room where the amp was, into DI backwards (didn't have anything else that time and place) into amp....

and we had hum and noise like crazy, the gutarist wasn't able to play the same riff twice (in sync) etc

i like the blackmore and the savage, but IMO there are way better amps out there.
i owned some of them like soldano, vht, mesa etc...engl just can't touch those (only my opinion).
plus they're fabricated poorly nowadays.

:loco: :loco: heheh

Oh, another question about the Soldano and Engl: Not taking into account your personal tone preferences, would you say the SLO is less appropriate for the modern sound we find in groups such as As I Lay Dying, Arch Enemy, Caliban and the like? I know Soldano is probably what newer amps are copying from and I know it costs thousands but I also know it has been around since I was ... 1 year old :lol:
In other words, can it get us the modern tone as easily as a Mesa/Peavey/Krank etc. can?

....slightly OT I guess, sry.
the 5150 for example is not much more than a slo-copy with lower quality parts.

just listen to the latest killswitch...
those soldanos are one of the best in those modern tones IMO.
the 5150 for example is not much more than a slo-copy with lower quality parts.

just listen to the latest killswitch...
those soldanos are one of the best in those modern tones IMO.

Great! :) Can't wait to get my Soldano done. Thanks again for sharing info [/offtopic] ;) don't wanna know how the bass was recorded, and the band made me promise not to tell ;).
gits were powerball in channel 4 (!!) with gain at 3:00 o'clock
running thru 2 behringer DI boxes cause i had use a 30m cable.... ;)

i'm not the biggest engl fan anymore anyways nor do i like behringer;)

why is it just so hard to let an old mix go?...
you should not think about them anylonger once they're finished.....

I'm really digging the tone on this mix, did you guys use open or focused for the mids?