Deathspell Omega guitar tone?


Nov 1, 2006
Anyone know what guitar(s) and amp(s) they used on the last few albums? It all sounds heavy but oddly clean, and really lets the dissonant parts come through without turning to mud. I'm not trying to cop their sound or anything (I use a 5150 and the other guitar player in my band uses an ss Randall, we're definitely not going for anything remotely "clean"), so this is just idle curiosity...
I have no idea but it's fitting their avant-garde approach to black metal VERY well. It sounds so cold and sterile.
Yeah, when we played with Ipsissimus their guitarist was in the same ballpark (and wearing a DO shirt, I believe) using a Mesa rack rig and Keely tube screamer through a 2x12. With a Schecter or Jackson or something, I forget.

I could almost see doing stuff like this with an overdriven Fender Twin, or better yet a Quad.
Their guitar tone is something that definitely works for their overall vibe. It's one of those guitar tone, like Gorguts 'Obscura' that create an atmosphere that wouldn't have been there otherwise. They're both guitar tones I would never chase after but in that context they're amazing. Have you heard 'Chaining The Katechon'? 22 minutes of Deathspell madness.

I think what they might do on some of the slower picked sections is play a riff and then double it while moving up or down fret. It creates a lot of tension and I think is probably used by Blut Aus Nord as well. Great stuff.
Their guitar tone is something that definitely works for their overall vibe. It's one of those guitar tone, like Gorguts 'Obscura' that create an atmosphere that wouldn't have been there otherwise. They're both guitar tones I would never chase after but in that context they're amazing. Have you heard 'Chaining The Katechon'? 22 minutes of Deathspell madness.

I think what they might do on some of the slower picked sections is play a riff and then double it while moving up or down fret. It creates a lot of tension and I think is probably used by Blut Aus Nord as well. Great stuff.

Like... guitar 1 plays a riff in E, while guitar 2 plays the same riff while moving from E to F to F# to G to G#... etc...? must try that. any chance you could show a tabbed example of this to be sure i'm understanding you correctly? thanks :)
You're asking a musical retard. Let's see if I can explain this... Say you're picking a chord that's A 7th Fret, D 8th Fret, G 9th Fret, have the 2nd guitarist pick the same chord as A 6th fret, D 7th Fret, G 8th Fret. It gives a washy fucked up carnival ride kind of sound. Sorry for the moronic explanation but it's all I got! I hope that helps.
I'm not sure if they do the same thing with the faster stuff or not. I'll have to ask the singer in my band but I know that either the guitarist in Deathspell or Blut plays a fretless guitar. That would certainly create some fucked up sounds, especially when overdubbing. I'm glad the clip was helpful to you.
I love all of that twisted and dissonant shit which explains why Gorguts "Obscura" is my all time favorite metal record. I'm pretty sure our singer is in touch with someone in either Blut or Deathspell so I'll see what he can give up. If you like that washed out broken carnival ride sound, check out Ved Buenes Ende and Virus. Same guitarist in both and he's probably the guy that influenced the next generation of crazies.
Yeah, that sounds spot on like some of their cleaner parts. I always assumed they just used a pitch detune pedal or something.
I just tried the "half-step down" trick there, works perfect for the cleans, like the parts in "I" on Kenose.
kinda worked with the fast riffs, though its hard to tell cos i was playing just some stoopid riff and not the mental shit that should be done.

though in fairness, i'm not going to attempt to replicate this stuff really. i'm in awe of "Fas..." and "Kenose" but thats their game, and they have it perfected. no point even trying to match them.
can still absorb some tricks from it though :)
I'll have to ask the singer in my band but I know that either the guitarist in Deathspell or Blut plays a fretless guitar.

I was pretty sure the early Blut records had fretless bass on them but I'd never thought of fretless guitar. I listened to a bunch of their records yesterday with this in mind and I could definitely see there being fretless guitar as well after the first couple albums - lots of weird dissonances and pitch wavering that I'd just chalked up to string bends and distortion. Crazy.

DsO doesn't usually sound weird in the same way, but there's that one clean part in Katechon where the pitch keeps dropping; I'd assumed it was someone putting their thumb on the tape or a digital detune or something, but now I wonder...
I read an interview with Blut Aus Nord around the time MoRT was released, he definatly talked about fretless guitar. i'm gonna be getting my telecaster de-fretted sometime soon. :) i'm looking forward to it.

I've had "Kenose" on most of today, fucking hell its amazing. really good production too :)

my copy of Katechon should arrive sometime next week too, cant wait for that. anyone have the vinyl edition with the S.V.E.S.T. material?? any good??
Another band that uses fretless guitar sometimes, though in a completely different way, is Thought Industry from Michigan. I don't have the vinyl of SVEST but I have a copy of it on disc. Katechon is pretty awesome. There's a weird section a few minutes in where they're doing some traditional tapping and more normal metal riffs and it sounds strange and out of place. It still works but it's not something you'd expect from them.

I thought about filing down the frets on my busted up old ESP but I'm too lazy for now.
yep, made a fretless out of my samick 5 string bass, needed a few hours but worked out really well, need money for new pickups and play some jazzy cynic style bass ;)