Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis


Dec 1, 2006
This album sounds fucking amazing. Does anyone have any info on what gear they used (Guitars)?

Aside from the tone, the album is pretty damn good. I love the rest of their albums, and as this album is a bit of a let down, it's still fucking GOOD. I hated the new singer when I first heard him, but I got used to him, and he's not TOO bad.

Anyway, there's a few songs on the album that rule, so it's definetly worth getting.

Anyway... Yup.

GET IT! Decapitated rules. haha
The album is frickin fantastic. I got turned onto the band by some local guys who wanted me to produce a release with Organic Hallucinosis as a reference.

Good to hear the gear chain, I can finally put some of my friends' queries to rest. The album overall sounds fantastic. It's so fake and overproduced, it works with the band perfectly. It's way too over mastered though. The entire thing is just pure high end. They could've backed off a bit and left some life in the mix.
yeah, when you compare the mix to other mixes, everything (especially guitars) are WAY too bright, but the album is amazing. One of the few death metal albums I can listen to all the way through and not get bored (AWESOME leads).
Bumping this Necrothread cuz I just got this album, and HOLY MOTHERFUCK does it sound incredible, just as everyone said! The kick especially is one of the best I've heard (when there's that drum break in Day 69, holy shit) and the guitar tone kicks so much ass - Rectifiers win again! Like a 5150 could ever get this kind of aggressive bark :heh:

Musically I'm not sure if it's gonna beat "The Negation," but it's still damn good (though definitely a different vibe)
I know, I know - I was a late bloomer with Decapitated anyway (only got into 'em last January), and never got around to getting this, but after seeing so many people mention it both in the "favorite guitar tones" and "favorite albums" threads (and having a surplus of money at the time :D), I figured it was about time!
I think the band have really hit the bulls-eye with this album with conjoining artwork, lyrics and general sound. It feels almost like a machine brutally grinding the air. However, musically speaking, I prefer 'Winds of Creation' or 'Nihility', even as far as production goes. I felt that there weren't enough exciting moments in the album to make me stop in awe (excluding the brief drum solo in Day 69). Maybe it just sounded too mechanical to my ears but I will definitely have to give it a more thorough listen after listening to older stuff.

But thematically speaking, it's a solid fucking package, no doubt.
Hmm, I don't have "Winds," but musically "Nihility" is hit or miss for me, and IMO the production is fucking ATROCIOUS, especially the horribly scooped digital guitar tone and the way too overbearing kick attack. The Negation, on the other hand, wins in both categories for me; we'll see how "Organic" holds up as I get to know it!
It sucks to come into a thread being all ready to comment on how this album is one of the greatest of all time, only to discover you've already made that same comment almost a year ago to this day...
Yup, been a fan of these guys since a few years back. They still kick as much ass as back then for me :)

Too bad one of the best death metal drummers (of that age) just died. Is life fucking unfair or what? (Yea I'm talking about their drummer, "Vitek")
incredible album - I love all the decapitated albums, in fact I listened to "winds..." for the first time in years this week.

Awseom riffs... so fast and technical. And diminshed.
It sucks to come into a thread being all ready to comment on how this album is one of the greatest of all time, only to discover you've already made that same comment almost a year ago to this day...

Haha, at least you caught yourself before posting :D