Decapitated/Vader show last night...


Jan 10, 2005
Last night my friend's band opened up for the Vader/Decapitated/Dew Scented show. First off, I have to say that all the bands were great. But apparently one of the guys from Vader didn't want any local bands on the show and was throwing a Polish hissy fit the whole time, scoffing at the local support as he walked to and from his gigantic tour bus through the alley behind the venue. I was fortunate enough to get back there since my friend's were one of the bands playing that night, and I was their "PR guy", heh.

The guys from Decapitated put on a great show. The guitarist used a JCM2000 TSL full stack with a Ran guitar that was basically a Dimebag signature model rip-off or whatever. The JCM didn't sound *too* bad except that the sound guy had him a little too quiet in the mix. The guitars sounded basically like they do on the album, that very round, mid-rangey plastic-esque sound. He's such a rediculous guitar player, I was considering just quitting playing after seeing him. The drummer was cool too except a few occasions when I noticed his double-bass was getting off here and there *BUT* they were playing the songs very noticeably faster than on the albums so I didn't mind too much. They were hauling ass. His picking hand looked like it was in two places at once at all times because of how fast he was picking, and he does mostly downstroke chugging, but it's fast as shit. His lead playing was spot on. One thing that amazed me was how he was head-banging like crazy while playing that stuff.

Vader and Decapitated shared everything, drum set, guitar, guitar amp, bass, bass rig. Vader sounded exactly the same only different music. They were kinda boring. The kick was triggered, which was cool, perfect death metal kick sound. I just got distracted and lost where I was going with this post. Anyway, I'm sure someone on here will appreciate the "review".

no dew-scented review? i like those guys a lot. their newest album issue VI is kinda lame IMHO, but inwards and impact kick major butt.
btw, they're playing engl powerball and peavey 5150 amps.

vader is great, too. i'm not really into decapitated, though.

those TSL 100 heads can sound quite nice. the lead channel sucks for rhythm playing IMHO, but the crunch has a nice defined 80s metal crunch. slightly fuzzy, though.
Carcass29 said:
Wow, Vader boring?? I saw them in of the best Metal shows I've seen in a while. \m/

Vader wants us BOTH dead...oh wait... I mean, Vader is the only band I've seen live and could tell that the drummer's kicks were way off. Maybe that's cos they're triggered and you can actually hear them, I dunno....Actually I take it back, @ the FF show in SF last year, RayRay was off pretty badly on parts of Cyberwaste. Almost forgot about that one.
we opened for that show in tempe and whoever was mixing those bands sucked. sounded muddy as hell especially for decapitated and probly because of the downtuning. plus all 3 bands shared all the same gear so they had exactly the same tones. all 3 were awesome though. decapitated was just unreal, that guitar player is flawless and a real nice dude too. dew scented was pretty badass as well and vader was just kickass as usual live.
But Decapitated plays in D standard tuning. It's not THAT far down. And for the show, Dew Scented used the JCM's. They all shared the same amps and drum kit. As far as what they used in the studio, I have no idea, but for the show, it was a Marshall night.

Dew Scented was a cool band to watch, I liked the lead work that the guy did. I was surprised to see the guy playing an Ibanez S470, not exactly a "heavy" guitar (I own one), but it cut through really nicely. They had some great songs that I got into, and the crowd had a really good response as well.

To be honest, the local bands had a much better sound coming out of the PA. I think the touring bands had a sound guy with them, I think this because the tech for Decapitated was asking for level changes in Polish, and the sound guy understood him. Not many Polish people here in San Antonio, and even less Polish people that do live sound for shows, heh. The openers had a local "hero" on the board, Bishop from Pitbull Daycare, that always does an amazing job for my band, as well as everyone else that he runs sound for. He's probably the only soundguy in SA that knows how things are suppose to sound. He actually uses the compressors and noise gates the right way so the vocalist can just sing his ass off and the guitars sound professional...given the talent of the musicians, of course.

Anyway, it was a good show all around.

btw, did i mention that i really envy the dew scented fuckheads :D :D :D
i mean, come on, they we're on tour with NEVERMORE (i'd DIE for this one...), and now they're touring the US, and iirc they even went to japan once.

lucky bastards :D :D :D