
I also prefer "The Negation" to "Nihility". And I'd agree, that Decaptitation is only to be listened to for short periods.

Can someone recommend where to start with Bolt Thrower? Thanks.

General Zod said:
I also prefer "The Negation" to "Nihility". And I'd agree, that Decaptitation is only to be listened to for short periods.

Can someone recommend where to start with Bolt Thrower? Thanks.


The IVth crusade, For victory..., Mercenary are good starting points.
J. said:
Why do people like these guys? Is it because they're like 12 years old or something? They offer absolutely nothing innovative, original, or even above average.

While the guys are certainly proficient at their instruments, their music is just bland death metal. This brand of death metal has been done to death over and over again.

It's not horrible, but it just lacks any staying power whatsoever. Of course, this is based on one listen to Nihility, so it might be premature to be judgmental. But honestly, I see myself having no desire to play this ever again.

File under: Blood Red Throne/Vader/Cannibal Corpse


That's basically what I thought when I heard them. Cool that they're munchkins, but it's very generic music...
Yeah, I think they received a lot of novelty value because OMG thay r teenies! Who cares, good is good, suck is suck, and generic is generic.

Bolt Thrower, go with with the killer For Victory...
I'm with J. on this one, when I see bands this insubstantial being praised as the forefront of modern metal, it instantly explains why I've become disillusioned with the genre. If there's a choice between wimping out or refusing to accept mediocrity...
they were around 14-16 at the time of their first release. They are all in their 20's now.

I don't know, but Nihility ... there is alot of stuff going on there.
Their other 2 are more generic, but Nihilty ... that's a special one to me.
"Can someone recommend where to start with Bolt Thrower? Thanks."


Warmaster is my favorite disc from Bolt Thrower - give it a spin - let me know if you don't have it
Opeth17 said:
The Negation is quite below average except for a couple of songs.

Yeah. I like The Negation well enough to keep it around, but I don't understand why heaps of praise have been thrown on it. That's the only Decapitated album I have, though.
"Nihility" is a masterpiece, I almost had an orgasm the first time it "clicked". That may have something to do with the fact that I was looking at hardcore porn whilst listening to it, but that's really not the point. The point is that "Nihility" kicks more behind than all the other albums/bands listed in this thread combined. And that's coming from an Aeternus fan.

A record entitled "Nihility" isn't supposed to sound warm, emotional and "human". The whole concept is that it's machine-like, even staccato-sounding at times, an ice-cold slice of the deadliest and most riffgasmic death metal the planet Earth has ever seen.

"Perfect Dehumanization" is flawless. The same goes for the title track. Listen to the intro of "Mother War" and tell me it doesn't kick more ass than Raymond Harding, 42, who HATES donkeys, and has a mean right foot (OK, so that was pretty crap. Also, cue lots of wankers posting "Hi i just listened to it and i dont think it kicks ass).

Oh, and when thinking about it, the rest of the record is just as good. There's not a single weak track. All killer, no filler. Yes, I just quoted Sum 41. No, that doesn't make this post null and void.

Bottom line: "Nihility" is one of those records you simply have to "get", I think. It sure needed some spins before it clicked with me. But when it did - DRRRRRRRRRRRINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!
you're wasting your breath ... I know what you mean though 100%

just check out the build up of drums on Babylon's Pride ...

this one needs quite a few spins to sink in. preferably played at full volume, while going 100mph in a Cooper :D

that is what pissed me off about The Negation it was so damn dull and one dimensional after Nihility.
lurch70 said:
that is what pissed me off about The Negation it was so damn dull and one dimensional after Nihility.

Aye, ditto. The Negation's pretty much simplistic death metal without any longevity. I'm a sucker for "unoriginal death metal" if done correctly, but this just wasn't particularly good, apart from a couple of standout tracks (such as "The Fury" and "Lying And Weak"). A gigantic disappointment. I was expecting a Nihility pt. 2.