Decent DAWs for Mac use?


Sep 26, 2010
Hey guys.

I am on the hunt for some decent (but not too expensive) DAW software for use on a MacBook Pro.

I know logic would be the most obvious answer, but is there any alternatives which are cheaper but do the same jobs? I have ableton live at the moment but the program makes me want to shoot myself. It is almost impossible to set up the program to run VSTs properly and to use it effectively with PODfarm is a nightmare. I end up with a clippy, fuzzy mess.

Ive never had problems on any other DAWs. On my PC i have a VERY old version of Adobe Audition which does the job well, but for some reason you cannot get it for macs unless you put Windows onto it....:confused::confused: :Puke:

I am a massive n00b at recording too by the way. hoping to improve massively....haha
Logic isn't expensive for all the features it has, but for your purposes Reaper should do the job; it's a good DAW, clear and straight-forward without too many extra bells and whistles.

As for Ableton Live; if all you're getting is clippy fuzzy mess, it's not Ableton Live's fault... It's optimized for live use as the name suggests, but it's by no means a 'lesser' DAW.
cheers for the help people. i shall go check it out!

and yeah, i know that different scenarios would require different DAWs sometimes (although there are a lot out there which can handle pretty much most tasks..)..i also know people who love ableton and can get on with it...but i cant haha. im used to audition paha.