decent metal albums since 1988?


Alwin said:
Okay, so if the quality of metal dropped substantially after 1988, what caused it?

some options:

+ the collapse of the Berlin wall
+ postmodernism
+ globalization
+ Holland winning the European Championships in 1988
+ house music / electronic influences
+ the Internet
+ a change in the music industry

shut up twat.
Because 40+ guy asking us near 20(anathema fans) any decentmetal since year we were 2 years old is just pervert(ah, now me gets it, all this is because of the anathema fans in this gboard)
I'm listening to metal tonight, The Old Dead Tree and liking it too. Did they have to make all the songs bout that suicide though?
this year started quite good:

Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Mourning Beloveth - A Murderous Circle
Evoken - Antithesis Of Light
Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure
The Provenance - How Would You Like To Be Spat At