decent metal albums since 1988?

Fear Of the Dark is far better than No Prayer and miles ahead of that crappy albums with Blaze (not because of him, the songs were just shitty). and after i thought the band wont do anything worthy my attention anymore the blew me away with Brave New World. Dance Of Death was a big disappointment after that...
that's just my opinion, you have yours breaklose and i have mine, yet i'm curious which Maiden album you consider the best. my fav is Piece Of Mind...
Hypnos said:
Fear Of the Dark is far better than No Prayer and miles ahead of that crappy albums with Blaze (not because of him, the songs were just shitty). and after i thought the band wont do anything worthy my attention anymore the blew me away with Brave New World. Dance Of Death was a big disappointment after that...
that's just my opinion, you have yours breaklose and i have mine, yet i'm curious which Maiden album you consider the best. my fav is Piece Of Mind...

i like 'seventh son of a seventh son' the best. i sort of like 'no prayer for the dying' cause its one of the first iron maiden albums i had when i was a kid, so its all about the memories and that. the first half of 'brave new world' is good yeah, and like you said that 'dance of meffs' is a real piece of poo.
Don Corleone said:
just a question:

what should i do if i like some latter albums from maiden (among others from the earlier periods)? is it wrong?

just curious.

No need to worry about that, Opeth liking should take up all your worrying time
Okay, so if the quality of metal dropped substantially after 1988, what caused it?

some options:

+ the collapse of the Berlin wall
+ postmodernism
+ globalization
+ Holland winning the European Championships in 1988
+ house music / electronic influences
+ the Internet
+ a change in the music industry