Decisions, decisions....


Revel in this, bitch.
Sep 19, 2007
So I need some help. In my own recordings I'd like a really in your face guitar sound. The deal is, I'm using a Mbox 2 Mini. My questing is, are the Mbox minis pre amps weak enough where you get a lesser guitar tone then you would with another piece of equipment? If so, (which It probably is) what do you think I should do? Save for a Mbox 2 pro? Sell LE and go for another DAW? I'm just try to get the best sounding records I can produce. Any suggestions would be great.


P.S If anyone needs to hear a clip of what I've been doing with the mbox, just let me know and I'll get some clips up.

While a API preamp is going to offer an improvement, chances are it's not the mbox preamps holding you back dude. Source quality and mic choice & positioning are like 90% of your recorded guitar tone.