If I hear...I mean, see! the words SAMBA and GIRLS one more time from you Hearse...I'm going to... (holds fists up) I'm gonna...
Okay...nothing. The obsessions with toilet paper and women though. So primal of you. Sex and shitting. Ah-huh. I see it all so clearly now. Be merry with your Samba visions and your butt wiper, you happy evolved ape.

Now, don't take that too seriously, oh buddy ol' pal. Oh, no god no. I wouldn't want that to happened. It's like something we can tease and taunt you with now you realize. SAMBA SAMBA, toilet paper, SAMBA, paper, hey! SAMBA! Hearse's hideout. Waiting for an unsuspecting Samba girl to use the potty.
Anders moved plain and simple and wanted to stay there. He was really upset about leaving the band, but it was in his best interest. Mike was determined, so that's why we've got Opeth today. Defarfalla...
"The bass player wanted song-writing royalties, or something like that..."
I got from it all that Mike didn't want that much bass in the music but Defarfalla protested. They probably disagreed too much. I thought the official site had what happened written down there in the session diaries.