Defenders Of The Faith UK Tour feat Opeth + Arch Enemy

not that I'm a devildriver fan or something, but shouldn't it be a good thing that guys from nu metal bands start to realize that they should start playing some real metal? ...
everyone kept saying to those nu metal bands that they should radically change their style, and one of them did it and now he still gets bashed for it ...

oh well :p
gigs from bands like devildriver are fun no brainers occasionally, so you can still enjoy it for once if you are there anyway. who is the real poser if you can not enjoy yourself for your IMAGE ...

Oh, I look at it as "better than nu-metal" yes. My problem is that said vocalist acts like he's so knowledgable of Exodus, Obituary, etc...And to yell at the crowd "fuck guys are pussies, you're not metal! Get in the pit.!" I grew tired of moshing, way back in the late 80's. Did it from time to time. I don't need an opinion from some talentless hack from Coal Chamber. It's good to see he finally discovered great bands...better late than never. It just seems so bandwagon-like to me. And I asked on two seperate occasions at those shows, when these poser kids walked by..
girl with Mortician shirt-"which album should I get?" -girl-Ummm...they're all good...umm...this is my brothers shirt, I don't know.
Boy with Kreator shirt-"Pleasure to Kill fucking rules!" -boy-this is a Kreator shirt, duuuhhh! me-"yeah, you dumb fuck! That's the name of a Kreator album!!" DD and Opeth are on the same label, so It didn't suprise me that they were with Opeth twice. It happens with all bands. Don't get me wrong, good luck to any band, good or bad, regardless what I think. If you're a fan of N'Sync...then so be it, just don't false advertise, or pretend like you've always been an old schooler.:Smug: Ask questions..I did, when I first discovered metal. I was truly interested, then truly hooked. As for image...if that's what is important, then metal, or the music you like, must not be what's important! I go to concerts to enjoy music. Who gives a shit about what I look like, I don't "disguise" myself in stuff I don't really like, or know.
Oh, I look at it as "better than nu-metal" yes. My problem is that said vocalist acts like he's so knowledgable of Exodus, Obituary, etc...And to yell at the crowd "fuck guys are pussies, you're not metal! Get in the pit.!" I grew tired of moshing, way back in the late 80's. Did it from time to time. I don't need an opinion from some talentless hack from Coal Chamber. It's good to see he finally discovered great bands...better late than never. It just seems so bandwagon-like to me. And I asked on two seperate occasions at those shows, when these poser kids walked by..
girl with Mortician shirt-"which album should I get?" -girl-Ummm...they're all good...umm...this is my brothers shirt, I don't know.
Boy with Kreator shirt-"Pleasure to Kill fucking rules!" -boy-this is a Kreator shirt, duuuhhh! me-"yeah, you dumb fuck! That's the name of a Kreator album!!" DD and Opeth are on the same label, so It didn't suprise me that they were with Opeth twice. It happens with all bands. Don't get me wrong, good luck to any band, good or bad, regardless what I think. If you're a fan of N'Sync...then so be it, just don't false advertise, or pretend like you've always been an old schooler.:Smug: Ask questions..I did, when I first discovered metal. I was truly interested, then truly hooked. As for image...if that's what is important, then metal, or the music you like, must not be what's important! I go to concerts to enjoy music. Who gives a shit about what I look like, I don't "disguise" myself in stuff I don't really like, or know.

yeah, I understand what you are saying and agree ... and of course a lot of the youngsters are what we call "posers", but they might just also be kids who are just getting into metal. it's better than that they listen to hip hop right? give 'em a couple of years to learn more about it. they like the music, but it needs time to get into, you know that.
it must be a bit scary for them to go to concerts and not have "the right kind of clothes" or something like that. they want to make a good impression. sometimes they fail :) but so what, welcome to the metal world I would say ... we were all noobs in the metal world once.

and as for image, it is a bit of a shame how you can be labeled a poser without people knowing you. when I go to a festival and for once I feel like moshing on some no brainer band (rarely happens, since I normally don't like mosh pits at all!), then it's stupid to see some people watching you with this smug on their face as if you are a faker all the way without even knowing me. you understand what i'm saying right?
oh well
I used to mosh, and various simaliar acts from time to time. I just got to the point where I just stopped, no real big reason, just didn't feel like it anymore. Like I just posted, if you're a newcomer and interested in whatever music...ask. I don't know anybody that'll not light up, and not oblige to tell them what they're hearing, and make many band suggestions. I just find it unnecessary, that people who want to fit in to cetain things, pretend that they like the same things as a certain group does, just to get what, attention? Just bandwagoning, if you will, to be accepted. And if people roll their eyes in smugness to how you are, or behave because you mosh....oh well, your concert ticket, eh? I just get miffed at people wearing metal shirts that have no clue to what said band even sounds like. To me, it's a badge of honor in a way. If you like Barry Manilow, it's your preference that matters, even if me or anybody else may laugh, or whatever, so what. At least you're being honest.
True, but in my case, and my day, I was picked on for liking 70's prog rock, and Death metal. I was "listening to crap (70's prog)that my parents liked". Didn't care, didn't worry about when it came out, the melodies, and musicianship moved me. Besides, my parents only listened to Bob Dylan, Lynnrd Skynnrd, and early ZZ Top.
Hello, I'm an Opeth fan from Iceland, coming to England for a gig stopover/connection flight after having travelled to Slovenia & Italy. This fan hopeth that Opeth plays for more than 1 hour, considering that there are so many bands. What capacity has Brixton Academy?

I was thinking about making a banner from a sheet from the psychiatric ward I'm working at saying : I depënd upån swedish dårkness råck.

Don't care that much for the other bands, except Arch enemy. 3 inches of blood have they're moments and Devildriver is pretty much bollocks.

So if the doors open at 18:30 the first band will begin an hour later or so, 19:30 and play for 30-40 minutes. So the real deal for me begins at 20:30-21. I'm gonna show up at 20:00 in case.