Deftones 1st album guitar sound


Nov 1, 2005
Hi guys. My first post here :)
Can you help me on my quest for the guitar sound that Deftones has on the 1st album? I am working on the production of the demo for a local band, and they love that sound. Currently i have 2 guitars available (one w/ emg-81 and one w/ SD JB), a custom made amp and custom made cab 4x12" loaded with V30's. My gear is sm-57, "Amp One" Neve copy preamp and Apogee converter. I must tell you i'm waaay off that sound. :confused:
The good side of this is that they can borrow some gear for this recording session. What should i demand for this job?

Thanks a lot. Cheers :wave:
as far as I know stephen has always used the jmp-1 and ada mp-1 preamps for his rhythm sound.

failing that get a jcm800 and use it with a boost. Also borrow a recto if you can, and between those two amps you should be able to get a solid sound.
I think adrenaline was recorded with an ada mp-1 in the effect return of a marshall jcm900 using JB pick-ups and marshall 1960 cabs
Not trying to nitpick, but the guitar tone on Around the Fur smokes Adrenaline. You might want to use that as your reference, in private, if not in front of the band.

Adrenaline is kind of hollow and fizzy. You can tell Around the Fur was basically the same setup, just recorded/mixed better. Funny that Terry Date did both albums.

If you can't locate a JMP-1 or an ADA, I bet you could get fairly close with a Recto head and maybe a digital chorus pedal.

Stephen's tone always seemed a little processed to me. I bet you anything he had some chorus from the MP-1 in the mix. It's really obvious on some tracks like the intro to "Lotion", but way more subtle for the general rhythm stuff.

Just my $0.02, of course. Good luck!
I've also heard he used the Guyatone Harmonic Distoriton pedal. It's supposed to be a Rat ripoff, er... clone.

(search for Stephen)

FWIW, I've spent a decent amount time with a Vintage Rat, Turbo Rat, and Rat 2, and I never got anything close to Stephen's tone. The Rat 2 probably came the closest, but they're all pretty grainy and toneless IMO.

They were originally designed to add a Marshall-esque distortion "channel" to Fender amps, so that's what they sound best through typically.
Thanks a lot guys :) :worship:
I'll try the JMP-1 with a chorus pedal on the JB. I'll be back with sound samples when it's finished.

black sugar said:
Not trying to nitpick, but the guitar tone on Around the Fur smokes Adrenaline.

I think so too :)