I must be the only one who wasn't a big fan of White Pony, It has a few classic songs (digital bath, knife party, passenger), but the album as a whole is whatever to me, ATF and Adrenaline are top notch for me (not because of atmosphere but because of aggressiveness), followed by Diamond Eyes. This new record is experimental to me, I can definitely tell that Chino is playing lead in this new record, hence he said he plays more guitar in this record than any other record. I wish the FX were louder on this album (some more atmosphere) and chinos voice compressed just a bit, there are times when chino's voice really pops out, and the guitars a little louder like on Diamond Eyes (I listen to Deftones - Risk and just love the vibe on it, the low end, the atmosphere, its beautiful, maybe its the Koi no Yokan soundcloud quality? I'm definitely still buying this album 1st day it comes out here in the US). I really wish I didn't listen to Leathers, Tempest, Rosemary religiously before this record came out I'm almost ready to hear another Deftones record and this time w Terry Date.