Deicide in local press


Legion of Deicide
Aug 24, 2005
Just had to laugh about the press coverage that Deicide got in my local Press. Funny how they mention all the "evil" stuff surrounding Deicide and the bit about Glen killing himself. Oh yeah, we are all Devil Worshippers, damn, some of us are actually music fans as well and we like the music.

Lame press


We're expecting a protest from a few God-botherers outside, HUNDREDS of devil worshippers are descending upon Milton Keynes for a festival of Satanic music.

The event is being opposed by senior church figures in the city.

The Pitz nightspot in Woughton will host the event on Wednesday, October 26.

Notorious American extreme death metal pioneers Deicide will headline the gig.

The band have Satanic leanings and have been a constant thorn in the side of various American Christian faiths.

Pitz club promoter Paul Rivers told mk news: "Lead singer Glen Benton even has an inverted cross burnt into his forehead which is hilarious I think.

"He threatened he would kill himself at 33 the same age as Christ was when he died. Glen's now 39. And he called his son Damien after The Omen antichrist character.

"It'll be a rather controversial show and will ruffle a few feathers. We're expecting a protest from a few God-botherers outside."

Deicide's songs include Bastard Of Christ, When Heaven Burns, Go Now Your Lord Is Dead, F*** Your God and Conquered By Sodom.

Support bands will be Visceral Bleeding and Wykked Witch.

Tickets are 12 and doors open at 7.30pm.

Stony Stratford-based evangelist Pastor Robert Lightowler said: "Jesus said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'"

Rev Kevin McGarahan, Woolstones' vicar, was unavailable for comment, but told mk news in 2003 when a Satanic festival later cancelled was planned for The Sanctuary: "Anything that glorifies the power of evil in this city is doing an injustice to the power of God.

"There's enough darkness, despair, doubt and despondency. By staging such a festival in Milton Keynes, we are sending out the wrong message. We should be shining a light from here, not sending out darkness."
The only 'violence' that i know from their concert was that bomb thing back in 92. Ive had a couple live bootlegs and all they did was play and he said a few things between songs a few times, mainly bitching about roadrunner. I wish these christian people would just lay off.
aaronmb666 said:
The only 'violence' that i know from their concert was that bomb thing back in 92. Ive had a couple live bootlegs and all they did was play and he said a few things between songs a few times, mainly bitching about roadrunner. I wish these christian people would just lay off.
dude it sucks when i am waiteing to get into a show and all the church groups are out there bitching about what ever is on there minds at the time when they come up to me I ask where there church is and when they ask if I am intrested in comeing i saw yea so I can stand out side and fuck with people going in just like they are doing to us ITS MUSIC I TELL THEM GET A CLUE AND LET S US BE
i people would just worry about them selfs this world would be a lot better but you know just as I do that will never come to be so rock on dude
keep your metal horns held high




D:flame: :rock:
metalmike_1 said:
dude it sucks when i am waiteing to get into a show and all the church groups are out there bitching about what ever is on there minds at the time when they come up to me I ask where there church is and when they ask if I am intrested in comeing i saw yea so I can stand out side and fuck with people going in just like they are doing to us ITS MUSIC I TELL THEM GET A CLUE AND LET S US BE
i people would just worry about them selfs this world would be a lot better but you know just as I do that will never come to be so rock on dude
keep your metal horns held high




D:flame: :rock:

I dont go to church cause i dont want to get molested. A deicide concert is safer.
aaronmb666 said:
The only 'violence' that i know from their concert was that bomb thing back in 92.

They also had a riot at a gig in nottingham. Was actually the gig right after the bomb blast. That was the gig where he got the letter from the people who planted the bomb also Glenn's guitar was stolen during the riot. That was their last gig in britain until 98.