Deicide - Scars Of The Crucifix leaked......opinions so far?

Darth Kur

Misanthropic Naysayer
Dec 3, 2002
NC, Vinland
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I'm listening to it right now actually. It's definitely got a much better production then the last two. Where they had a more thin and weaker sound overall Scars has a deep heavy feel to it. The songs are very short with the entire album being under 30 minutes as usual. The subject matter, not surprisingly, is of the typical "fuck god" variety. That has gotten very tiring in my opinion but what the hell, if you're good at something stick with it I guess.
Having only listened to it for such a short period I don't have a very solid opinion of it yet but I can say it easily beats the shit out of the last one by far.
One thing I definitely could have done without is the retarded backwards masked message in the beginning of track 5 "When Heaven Burns". I don't know if Glen was trying to be humorous or not, I assume he was, but I think it's just moronic. If you bother to run it through a sound program and reversing it you'll understand.
Other than that though it's seems like the album, overall, should fair well.
I have an official promo from Earache -- they cut the songs into 99 tracks to thwart piracy, I guess it didn't work! Especially not with the new Itunes option to automatically join tracks.

Anyway, I think it's the best Deicide album in about five years. There are some weird artificial aspects, like the doubled pitch-shifted vocal effects and overly tight drums, but the overall production is (as Darth says) way heavier on the bottom-end. To me, that's where death metal lives, so I'm glad to hear it.

The overall energy level is higher, more brutal than Deicide could manage on the last few records. There's a lot of variety in the guitars, which have dissonant industrial moments, spiralling melodic black metal moments, and of course lots of turbo Kerry King solos.

I've only heard the album twice, but already I'm sure it's the best thing since Serpents of the Light. Whatever happened with Deicide being arrested in their camper at the Canadian border, though?
I heard one song and thought it was horrible. The band should just call it quits already like Metallica.
I'm more interested in the other death metal release Glenn Benton appeared on recently, can't remember the band but it got good reviews and looked more interesting than Deicide.
Earache did the 99 track thing with the promo's for the new Morbid Angel as well. Although joining tracks, even without iTunes, is laughably easy.

As for Deicide, I never cared for them. I'm not about to go near this one.