Scars of the Crucifix

Deicide suck, and always have sucked, on the grounds that they are one of the most generic and boring death metal bands ever. Serpents of the Light was bearable, but thats about it.
Tanith said:
Deicide suck, and always have sucked, on the grounds that they are one of the most generic and boring death metal bands ever. Serpents of the Light was bearable, but thats about it.
You didn't think much of Legion? That album was amazing to these ears. :cool:
I'm not a big fan of Deicide. I have a burned copy of Once Upon the Cross, and it's OK, but I think Glen did his best work effort in Vital Remains' Dechristianize. That was definitely one of 2003's best releases.
Never even listened to metal before a friend of mine gave me Serpents of the Light. Love that cd.

When heaven burns is my fav so far off of scars.
Nihilistic said:
Ever noticed how the leads sound like they are from a fucking Nintendo or something?

Take your obscurities elsewhere!

Yeah, Deicide are doomed to be thrown into the cutout bin of "DM bands that just don't live up to the hype and/or are boring and have nothing distinguishable about them".

I also did not like Dechristianize as much as other people did. I'm giving it a 75, and that's being generous.

To the moron who's arguing with me about my musical preference and felt the need to make a 2 paragraph essay on it, go fuck yourself. You're immature and sound retarded, and you didn't even prove a point.

Here's to thinking what you say before you say it. *toasts*
Two paragraphs constitues an essay to you? So what would a book be then? One page? :guh:
I did prove a point: - you're easily annoyed when people disagree with your almighty musical opinion.
*toasts* Get it up ye.
Well, I never said it was anything special. I just enjoyed it as for years I thought Deicide were a fucking pile of crap, so it was a pleasant surprise to find I quite liked Scars Of The Crucifix, and it got me listening to Legion again and I like that too. I guess the hype was what turned me off them in the first place.

Oops I've written another essay.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Two paragraphs constitues an essay to you? So what would a book be then? One page? :guh:

You obviously don't know hyperbole when you see it. Not arguing further, as that would make me a hypocrite.
How clever you are. Calling a two paragraph post an essay is not "hyperbole", it was you trying to be funny and failing miserably. Are your reviews full of big words like "hyperbole" that you clearly don't know how to use properly? Sorry for making a post saying I like the new Deicide album, I didn't realise I was only allowed to like bands that are unpopular/undeard of/shite, like the bands you seem to enjoy. From now on I'll post saying how great Squash Bowels, Alienation Mental or Lykathe are, so I can be cool and trendy like you, you big fancy music critic-ing guy.

Oh BTW, saying Deicide are " boring and have nothing distinguishable about them" is rather strange, considering you've given yourself a ridiculous, hackneyed DM username, and as for "Legions of severed beings"? Yeah right, you're sooo mature and "different"from all those boring DM bands. You're such a trend-setter.
You get pissed off at "pricks" on message boards? Uh, good job on being a loser.

And just so I'm not making an off-topic post... this album is böring, most death metal bands that continue to make generic DM albums are lame, and the length of the album is 29:32.
If it seems shorter it must be good. Anyway, Reign In Blood only lasts about 12 minutes and all Vader's albums are like that - they're still good.

Varulv, you say "MOST bands that continue to make generic DM are lame". So why only most? Who makes good generic DM in your opinion? I like Morbid Angel, Death, Nile, Vader etc - are they all lame?
TakinTheMusicBack said:
How clever you are. Calling a two paragraph post an essay is not "hyperbole", it was you trying to be funny and failing miserably. Are your reviews full of big words like "hyperbole" that you clearly don't know how to use properly? Sorry for making a post saying I like the new Deicide album, I didn't realise I was only allowed to like bands that are unpopular/undeard of/shite, like the bands you seem to enjoy. From now on I'll post saying how great Squash Bowels, Alienation Mental or Lykathe are, so I can be cool and trendy like you, you big fancy music critic-ing guy.

Oh BTW, saying Deicide are " boring and have nothing distinguishable about them" is rather strange, considering you've given yourself a ridiculous, hackneyed DM username, and as for "Legions of severed beings"? Yeah right, you're sooo mature and "different"from all those boring DM bands. You're such a trend-setter.

I revoke my previous statement about how I won't argue anymore because you're obviously one of those people who needs 1.5 times the clue.

1. It was hyperbole. Arguing with that was one of the low points of your comeback. -10 points.

2. No, they are not. You could easily go read my reviews, you know.

3. You made a post saying you like the album, and I said I didn't. It is pretty simple, and I'd expect someone as positively genius as you to get it.

4. You're an idiot for thinking I like three bands. Just because I talk about some stuff more than others doesn't mean I don't like stuff from every genre. Name 5 of your favorite bands besides Deicide. I'm sure we have something in common.

5. Thank you for making fun of my username in a completely out-of-context manner. Next time I want to argue with someone over the internet and they have me beat, I'll make fun of their username, too.

Have a nice day sir.