Delay with impulses ?


Jul 21, 2006
Hi everyone,

I have a little issue with impulses. I have tried doing some using the trial version of voxengo convolover and the voxengo buzzamp. Everything works fine but... there is some delay on the files. I had already noticed that there was a really small one on some impulses that have been posted here [I think that some of splatt88’s ones were having some], but on mine, there is really a huge one.

Any ideas on what it could be, and what I should do to remove it?

Try just moving the DI track forward until it's the right time. Quick fix.

You could record it to a new track when using the impulse and then move it to the right position! That's easy if you zoom in at the beginning of the wave!
On top of this it saves CPU time!
Why not editing the impulse-files? Just cutting the silence bevore the impulse.

Dou you talk about reverb stuff? Then it could be some kind of predelay as well.

Try out the free SIR, that latency is compensated by Nuendo/Cubase. But the Voxengo stuff works nice, so the latency should be compensated here as well.
Thanks for your replies!

Here is a screenshot of the impulse file opened in soundforge. As you can see, there are three peaks. I guess that this is what causes the delay.


I edited the impulse and only kept the first peak. I don’t have delay as I had before, which was as if I was applying a delay plugin to my sound [it was repeated three times, that was not a latency problem]. So that’s cool. But still, I don’t understand how come the impulse was generated that way. I did my best to have the generated and the recorded sine starting at the same time.

Anyway, I will check that SIR thing right now.