5150 tone with impulses


Oct 16, 2005
K....heres my 5150 combo using some cab impulses. Its a small 40 second clip with drums...very sloppy playing....lol

5150 combo efx out -> vtb-1 preamp -> m-audio audiophile.

Used Boogex to load the impulses. Used the Mesa4x12 (thanks Kazrog) and one of splat88's....thanks man!!

There is no eq on the guitars only a c4. Two tracks hard left and right...and theres no bass guitar ....muh..

cameltoe said:
K....heres my 5150 combo using some cab impulses. Its a small 40 second clip with drums...very sloppy playing....lol

5150 combo efx out -> vtb-1 preamp -> m-audio audiophile.

Used Boogex to load the impulses. Used the Mesa4x12 (thanks Kazrog) and one of splat88's....thanks man!!

There is no eq on the guitars only a c4. Two tracks hard left and right...and theres no bass guitar ....muh..

sounds great man!!!
what are the settings on Boogex?
awesome drums too...
Does sound quite good. I really need a freakin' conv. verb plug. My Weber MEGA DUMP came in, but for right now I can only use it to attentuate into a cabinet, can't use it for speaker out into the DAW using impulses yet. :(

Nice tone tho! :rock:

Nice, I think I'm gonna try my Krank with Kazrogs I.R. and see what I come up with.
Hey one question guys.... would I use the loop output too? Or the line out into my mic pre? I've been using my Pod Pro XT and want to try my Krank with the I.R. now.

Thanks! Can't wait!!!!!! :yow:

If you don't have a power attentuator, using the loop output would only be sending the preamp signal, if you use a speaker output, however, you will get preamp and poweramp sound, which is what you want. Just make sure not to disconnect the actual speakers, or else you'll be looking at replacing some tubes and transformers on your Krank. You should have more than one speaker output on there, most good tube amps have at least an 8 and 16 ohm output, others have 4, 8, and 16.

elephant-audio said:
If you don't have a power attentuator, using the loop output would only be sending the preamp signal, if you use a speaker output, however, you will get preamp and poweramp sound, which is what you want. Just make sure not to disconnect the actual speakers, or else you'll be looking at replacing some tubes and transformers on your Krank. You should have more than one speaker output on there, most good tube amps have at least an 8 and 16 ohm output, others have 4, 8, and 16.

Cool. I'll give it a go!:goggly:

man can you give a links for this impulses?
can find them...

drums are little bit "syntetic"
drums sound awesome, not the usual
trigger sounds - theres some life in there !
tell me more about it - dfhs ??
how did you eq, process ?
bfd xfl for the drums.

In BFD you can load 2 different snares and kick drums. I link the 1st snare to trigger the second....the first snare is really not processed much, the second snare is used pretty much for the attack and is compressed hard. Same with the kicks....
Kenny Lee said:
Nice, I think I'm gonna try my Krank with Kazrogs I.R. and see what I come up with.
Hey one question guys.... would I use the loop output too? Or the line out into my mic pre? I've been using my Pod Pro XT and want to try my Krank with the I.R. now.

Thanks! Can't wait!!!!!! :yow:

What is this kazrogs I.R. you speak of? Same with cab impulses. I've never heard of these. I would like to try them with my krank as well.