Demiurge are you Ultraboris?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Are you Ultraboris from encyclopedia metallum? You guys both have the same kind of dickish, elitist attitudes, anything popular sucks ass? GO listen to your shit music
I actually respect Ultraboris. He may have an elitist attitude at times, but then again, so do you...towards Metallica, no offense, but that's how i see it, man. He knows his genres well, he usually has concrete reasons as to why he likes or dislikes something, even if i disagree, i always leave his reviews with some respect, because he sticks to his guns and always will. Kind of dickish? Only when one deserves it. Elitist? Sure, sometimes, but I for one, respect the guy.
Demiurge is absolutely nothing like UltraBoris. Demiurge sticks to the rulebook on the whole. He's a tr00 and pr0p3r elitist. UltraBoris is just arrogant.
Demiurge is my idol. All hail Demiurge!

Do you have the urge to demi? I sure do. Demilich!!!!!!!!! Urge!!!!!!

UltraBoris is weird.. I can't notice any consistency in his reviews.. I strongly disagree with him on ...and Justice For All (which he gives, what, 40%?) and some Swedish death metal, but, for instance, he rated Pantera's Cowboys From Hell very high - while the stuff that came after this release he completely rips apart.. Hehe, he grades Pantera's pre-Cowboys very highly, too :).

You gotta understand that this is all about the tastes and opinions.. Yeah, hate me for the stuff I like to put in my CD player :).
Ultraboris is cool. He loves his thrash and he loves it done right.

I haven't read any of Demiurge's posts, or can't remember any, but I'm certain it's Falconsbane already..hah.
I think boris gave and justice is low 80 actually. And said to live is to dive is boring as hell? I disagree. I love that tune. The part thats really annoying is the fact that he refers to gothenburg style music when hes dissing an album . Even if it has nothing to do with gothenburg. He'll say..."This dimmu borgir riff is a shitty attempt at guitar work. Sounds like gaythenburg. Whats with all the hate? Love the swedes. I also find it quite odd that he give w.a.s.p albums high 90's
AllWithinMyMonster hates Opeth, Jethro Tull and now he says WASP are shit? Yet he likes St Anger? o_O
Is he on this fucking planet or is he constantly wasted on crack??? :guh:
Put him on ignore! Maybe he'll fuck off!
actually if you read my post i said i changed my point of view on fucking opeth you son of a bitch. i wanna fucking fly to glasscow or glassblow. Whatever the fuck your commie town is called and kick your pinko ass from restaurant to bar to bookstore and everywhere else in between. You fucking pussy fearing fucknut. die already you sonfabeach. Jethro blows. St Anger kicks, Opeth is now cool as i changed my mind. And WASP stands for wankering anul salivatory protrusions. Now stfu takinituptheass