Demo composition...???


Child of The Grave
Aug 26, 2003
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Ok, when I say demo, I don't mean the kind you have finished ideas on, ready to ship to a record company, Im talkin about the demos you record to get an idea of a song on tape, and possibly present it to the other musicians in your band.

So My question is, are there supposed to be drums on these kinds of demos??? Sometimes I feel like I want to record these great song ideas, but when I go to record them, they are just lacking without drums/bass and I just lose all inspiration. I really dont want to program the drums, so how do you guys do it?? Does anyone just have a ticking metronome on their basic song sketch recordings??? Im just about to get started in recording some rough demos, so I just really wanted to know how everyone else did it.
I program drums. It's not that big of a hassle to pound out some basic 4/4 beats or what have you. It's better than a metronome and only takes maybe half an hour for adequate patterns.
Even if it is the simplest little bit of drums with very little in the way of fills etc, it will sound 100 x better than without and actually give the song a little more meaning in terms of what it should sound like - worth the extra little effort definately
It doesn't matter to me whether there are drums on it in the early stages of the song's developement. Usually I will just record one guitar track to get a feel for how the drum patterns should be laid out and to work on vocal patterns. The only times my "demo" recordings get drums are after we've rehearsed them a couple of times and then we do a Live recording.