Dentists SUCK....And They're Naughty!


a prophet in cosmology
Feb 7, 2003
Mercer Island, WA
I got some cavities filled today face is still numb, and I'm 150 dollars poorer. :cry: Got a cleaning too....that stuff flies everywhere, landing all over the place *dentist wipes it off my face with a cloth* "Let's get that stuff off your face and lips, wouldn't want you to go outside with that on you" :yell: Dirty.

While in the chair, I had to keep myself from laughing under penalty of choking on my own blood, as such things were said as:

The usual "wow you have a big tongue" and "you've got such a small mouth" ....duh why do you think my boyfriend likes me o_O

"Do you want to swallow?"

"Okay, spit now"

"I have to wait for it to get hard then I'll come back"

*for the little spit sucker thing* "Close your lips around it...goood*

......"you might bleed a little tonight"

Just like porn, I tell ya.
Aww, I bet it was really hard for you to keep from laughing at that ... dentists are sick bastards, they are. I had a massive cavity filled a few weeks ago (the nerve is dead, it's bad), and my dentist was such a jackass. He'd just finished numbing my face (I fucking hate that feeling ... but I didn't feel the needle, which was very nice) and he tells me "Well, that was the hardest part for you." Uhh, fuck no! I'm the one lying here with my mouth pried open to this ungodly angle, with all of these foreign metal objects being probed around inside my mouth (my god, you're right, it does sound like a porno... o_O ) and you think you're having a hard time? I have to go back pretty soon to get some other cavaties filled, though. Fortunatly none of these are abcessed dead nerves and gapping holes, so I guess it won't be as evil.
:cry: Ouch. Sadistic bastard.

He had some weird thing keeping my cheek away from the tooth so the filling could dry right, and the damn metal was digging into my gums and lip and I could feel it, and I was like okay....then about 10 minutes later he comes back to take it off and he's like *GASP!* SUCTION!!!! And there went about a pint of my blood down the damn sucky thingie, stupid thing was digging into me but I couldn't really feel it, took a long time to stop the bleeding and it was running down my throat and choking me ...nasty stuff. :yuk: I hate the dentist. Even if it is in a train station with a choo choo that goes round and round the office. Hey they do grown ups too.....hey they didn't give me a tooth brush and t shirt this time. :mad:
you should've kicked him in the nuts. To teach him sammeh powah!!! :D
Lord Foul said:
And in a similar vein...

*chortle* and you say dentists are obscene?
... Ahh! Wait, no ... ahhhh!!!! Must clarify! Cavities of the same kind that I already got filled and ... ahh!!! No!!!! It burns! ... I can't win, can I?

Ack, Sammie, those sounds bad. Poor you!