Describe the person above you.

Cofee_Annihilator said:
i just know everthing about the finest lady on heart!

You know everything? Everything about the finest lady on earth?! Unbelievable, naaah.... and if you mean that this lady is me... thank you, but I think you're wrong, Cofee.... :)
Cofee_Annihilator said:
bah italian people are nice !!

my mom actually went there... or was it in belgium :zombie:

Oh yes, some italian people is nice, is true... :) but almost as like as Lithium said once here.... there are many more not good italian persons!
(I say this cause in these days I felt so much disappointed, due to some selfish and stupid people, so...)
That there is everywhere too... the saddest thing is to be betrayed from someone you wouldn't expect to be, like happened to me recently... bleah....
But no matter, don't wanna think about it... I always recover myself: I'm stronger forever more!!
Oh yeah, we will surviveeeee.... (as the great Aretha Franklin sang...)

Hey, sorry but now it's bedtime and I gotta go... but thank you for the chat!! Bye, Cofee... :) and see ya on the board! ;)