Describe the person above you.

Heartless_Name said:
^ Um, no.. Finding me not funny is totally ok... defending racists = utter douchebaggery.
EDIT: and yes... I TOTALLY FUCKING PWN'D YOU... not that it matters, just wanna show you how it feels to be picked on due to yer ethnicity. Not great, is it.

i make fun of my own heritage too so it doesn't bother me. still no, you didn't own me a bit
^sooooooooo just got pwned that she's in denial. *post jumped*

(And coffee, I'm saying it for a reason :p her and someone else kept arguing they pwned me eventhoguh they didn't, and I didn't care either way, but it was funny how they kept insisting, it was rather pathetic.)
PWNING = insinuating you eat the cat in yer avatar... :lol:
NOIT PWNING = "rather pathetic that you unignored me just to see what i was saying about you"

I think i got it! :D:lol:
whats sad is that you're arguing with someone 6 years younger than you

time to watch you make a fool of yourself
Nikotiini said:
pfff shows how much you know... she is BeAutiful...

although, you wouldn't stand a chance... not even with someone that much younger
Ok, there, you have NO say. Go listen to yer David Allen Coe tapes and re-read yer Klan handbook. Geez.