Describe the person above you.

^is a racist female version of Rider

Nikotiini said:
I can't help but to comment here...

First of all... Canadian law is surely different than American go fuck yourself.

Second of all... Codi... you can call enjoi17 a gook or a chink... but I prefer charlie... :lol:

and now my racist fucking american ass will sing my song:

"I wanna be an airborne ranger,
I wanna go to Vietnam,
I wanna be airborne ranger,
I wanna kill the charlie kong"

and I hate my pals

They're lazy, good for nuthin tricksters, crack smokin swindlers, big butt having, wide nose breathin up all the white man's air, they eat up all the chicken, they think they're the best dancers... and.... THEY STINK!

SO GO AHEAD mr. law man.... charge me with slander or w/e it is!
you are not leaving; you are keeping me company while i finish my term paper
^made fun of alot

edit: i bet he's gonna stop ignoring for a moment just to see what i said about him then flame and ignore me :D
Nikotiini said:
^ makes ghey threads bc he wants people from the internet to like him

riiiiight... complete grade 6, then maybe you'll get why I made that thread yer reffering to, it was to get comments from oh-so-superior internet nerdo jobless obese pungent-cunt assholes like you, yer the elite of this world, aren't you. So I wanted comments, from your kind, to amuse myself.
i love your ignorance

he looks just like you
I was wondering what you were saying so I un-ignored you only to discover...

you said username said:
i love your ignorance

he looks just like you

Noo... but something ignorant would be saying:

I finally get your avatar... it's your favourite thing to eat;

You made it too easy... See that's ignorant. I'm sure yer racist friends whom you defend will have a good laugh though. :erk:

hah, i knew you'd unignore me

edit: and that was not pwnage. that was you copy and pasting my cat on paint and adding random text on it.
you didn't own me. the only reason you're an ass to me is 'cause i defend riderofjustice and nikotini and that i said you weren't funny.
^ Um, no.. Finding me not funny is totally ok... defending racists = utter douchebaggery.
EDIT: and yes... I TOTALLY FUCKING PWN'D YOU... not that it matters, just wanna show you how it feels to be picked on due to yer ethnicity. Not great, is it.