Desert Island and only 5 albums to take with you.

nightwar said:
Paxo - 'Dark Side Of The Moon'! A very cool choice! What a great album! Groundbreaking stuff! Did you see the documentry about the making of this album on UK TV recently? I've always been more of an 'Animals' fan, myself!

Well I thought an album to mellow out to might be a good idea! Yeah I saw that documentry, interesting stuff. Dark Side Of The Moon has always been my favourite Pink Floyd album. It is an amazing album, especially when you think how long ago it was released. Animals is a great album too, I prefer it to the Wall album.

I was looking at a Pink Floyd website the other week, and looking at the discogrophy. It was interesting to see that Pink Floyd have only had one album that has reached No1 in the UK and the USA (according to this website). Which album is that? The Wall? Dark Side Of The Moon? Animals? Wish You Were Here? Nope! It was The Division Bell!!! I find this totally amazing for two reasons. 1, Division Bell came out in 1994 (I think), and that was hot on the heels of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain killing Heavy Metal. Yes I suppose Pink Floyd are not strictly Heavy Metal, but they do share their roots with that genre. And secondly, the Division Bell is total shit!!! High Hopes is a great song, but there is nothing much else on the album that stands out.

Anyway, I seem to be turning this thread into a Pink Floyd thread! Sorry!
Paxo - no worries about the Floyd indulgence! Although, everyone goes on about 'The Wall', PF did at least a few albums that were probably better!
Man, you are joking? After all the stuff they did, 'Division Bell' was the No 1? Man, that takes the cookie!! I cannot agree with you more - 'High Hopes' is the only song that I can actually remember from DB! The 'Lapse Of Reason' album was far better! Mind you, DB was the Floyd's last ever studio album, so that may say something - Gilmour and Co probably knew that they had grown very stale and boring.
PF lost it, in my opinion, when Roger Waters quit the band.

However, it is great to see AC/DC's 'Powerage' being recognised so much in this poll. I don't think it was ever considered an AC/DC favourite until fairly recently. You know, sometimes music matures well and 'Powerage' is one of those albums. I reckon it Bonn Scott's best album by a fair way.
nightwar said:
Man, you are joking? After all the stuff they did, 'Division Bell' was the No 1? Man, that takes the cookie!! QUOTE]

Well according to the Pink Floyd website I saw it is true! It wasn't the official Pink Floyd website, but I have no reason to doubt their information as the whole website seems very well put together. It fact it is much better than the official website!
Ive always had kind of what i like to call a 'Bond' with 'powerage' ; when i was much younger and first properly getting in to Rock\Metal etc. my Dad told me how he used to sing songs like 'Riff Raff' and bounce me around to Powerage when i was a baby (or really young anyway) He said i loved it !!

When i actually got hold of the album for myself, it was weird coz i kinda knew all the songs but even though i would of been only very young the words too were also very familiar.

Anyways, i still have a special vibe when i play the album to this day!

Nightwar - Iron Maiden and Killers are so often over looked and yet they are absolute classics, you can hear the "Burining Ambition" in every chord and every beat! Whenever i listen to Killers i always wonder "What if things had been different..." Dianno is a class act on both albums and i suppose i miss the energy and atmosphere he gave to those 2 albums on every other Maiden record, you know?
Paxoman - regarding the 'Division Bell' success. I don't doubt you, Man, I just cannot believe that it is probably fact!! It is a nice enough album, don't get me wrong - but if I was to sum it all up in one word? I would describe it as 'inoffensive'. Give me Waters' solo stuff any day! Even though he is a miserable bitch!

Valanx - very cool childhood memories! Brought up on Bonn Scott - now that is Rock n Roll!!
It is good to know that you got inot the stuff in your own time when you were older. Your Dad sounds very, very cool!!
I was brought up with 60's RocknRoll and Country&Western by my parents. But this wasn't all bad - I have learnt so much (and appreciate) the works of Johnny Cash, The Beatles, Buddy Holly, The Beach Boys etc. But, I must admit, I wouldv'e loved to have heard an AC/DC song when I was a toddler!!
Completely agree with the Dianno Maiden years - PD did give something to IM that Dickinson lacked, but I doubt they would have become so huge without the chops of Bruce! However, when Dianno was the frontman, the band had a real element of surprise. You could not define Maiden into just 'Metal'. They had a Punk attitude and a hard rock vibe. And, above all, the sonhs had a strong gothic vibe to them. I think Dianno had a huge influence into the rock scene at the time and has never been provided with the credit.
I wonder what he is up to now?...
Mmmmm tough one....

For this week would be:

AC/DC Back In Black
AC/DC Let There Be Rock
AC/DC Powerage
AC/DC Highway To Hell
AC/DC Razor's Edge or TNT you choose.

If i was allowed to change albums once a month it would be:
AC/DC Let There Be Rock
AC/DC Back IN Black
Accept Restless and Wild
Motorhead 1916
Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance
1 Metalhead-SAXON
2 Ready an willing-WHITESNAKE
3 Diamond dreamer-PICTURE
4 Powerage-AC/DC
So im in the shower and thinking of my top 5 and saying well i guess i should join the Saxon site and throw my 2 cents in. Quick history, im 37 and pretty much into the old school metal that i grew up with ,i cant get into newwer bands and the HM albums i buy are from those bands i still love and still try to support( Last few Metal albums i have bought for instance Maidens Dance of Death, Dios master of the Moon,Rainbow anthology,Saxons Lionheart, UFo You are Here)

Anyway in high school i was the only one of my freinds who bought all the saxon albums( Strong Arm Hooked me and i never went back) I even remember having a Saxon poster on my wall and im pretty sure i was the only one in my town to own that one and hang it proudly on the wall. Saxon doesnt get respect now but honestly they didnt even in the glory days of the NWOBM. Ive always thought it was Biffs voice IMO but who knows?? Anyway im glad to be here and happy to see the younger kids supporting this great music that is still kicking my ass 25 years later . I have a habit of always commenting every time i see a yound kid walk by me with a Maiden shirt . It Does this old headbanger good to see kids enjoying these great bands( although these kids tend to ask if i ever i had a Mullet)

anyway thats me and heres my list If i had to leave this minute!!
1. Iron Maiden Powerslave
2.Saxon Pwer and the Glory
3.Michael Schenker Group MSG
4.Dio Holy Diver
5.Marillion Misplaced childhood

Anyway Rainbow would be hard to live without so i would have to sneak The Final Cut or Anthology out but cant think of a studio release that would overtake the 5 mentioned above.Oh, and after reading these posts it looks like im buying AC/DC Powerage this weekand... Very suprising
Fingers said:
Ask Pax what he's up to he went and saw him live in the last couple of years (Camden Underworld I seem to remember) and the story ain't pretty .

Yes you are right Fingers, I did see him a couple of times at the Underworld, and jolly good he was too. But having read his autobiography (in which he comes accross as a total tit), he proved himself still to be a total tit by punching one of the fans at the second gig I saw.

Someone on here posted an email a while back where Paul Di'anno was advertising for an established band to join. I have not heard anything more about that though. He is probably stacking shelves at Safeway or something!
1.Iron maiden-Killers
2.Accept-Restless and Wild
3.Guns and Roses-Appetite for Destuction
4.3 inches of Blood- Advance and Vanquish (I know this one is brand new but it's an instant classic)
5.T Rex- Electric Warrior
I just joined your world today and thought, I've had a top five list for ages, and it never changes. Its very old school but I guess that just reflects my age. My top five would be SPEAK OF THE DEVIL, NUMBER OF THE BEAST, HIGHWAY TO HELL, KILL EM ALL and APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION. It was hard to leave of SCREAMING FOR VENGENCE and FASTWAY but it was a top five. I also struggled with not including the ep QUEENSRYCHE from their metal days, man that is pure metal, not sure what happened after that, still a good band but that is still by far their best work.

macc189 said:
I know its another one of those 'top whatever' things but if you only had 5 albums to choose from EVERYTHING EVER RECORDED BY ANYONE to take to a desert island and live with them, and only them, forever! What would they be? and why? and just to make it a bit more interesting, NO BEST OF'S OR ANTHOLOGYS!!

My choice would be;

1. Saxon - Saxon (For Militia Guard, my baptism into metal)

2. Backyard Babies - Total 13 (Coz its nasty, sleazy and dirty, like me)

3. Anti Nowhere League - We Are The League (Snarling, stupid punk at its finest! who CAN'T laugh childishly at 'Reck A Nowhere'? daft as a brush!)

4. Judas Priest - Painkiller (The title track alone is deserving all by itself. It marked a massive return to form but heralded Robs departure, a real solid album with intense drumming and some of what i believe to be the best solos and riffery JP have done in years)

5. Rancid - And Out Come The Wolves (After traditional punk rock this album set the benchmark that other bands of the genre had to live up to, so far, no-one has, or even got close for that matter. Choc full of angst, tempered fury and youthful rebellion this album takes the torch from its vintage predecessors and ploughs forward, a real rolercoater)

Im betting that not many here would agree with my choices but Im being honest, thats really what i would take with me (took me a fair bit to get down to the top 5 I can tell you!) so lets see all your skeletons out the closet! and be HONEST!!
My guitar's are coming with me as well !!! I'l take them instead of food!
hamerhed said:
I just joined your world today and thought, I've had a top five list for ages, and it never changes. Its very old school but I guess that just reflects my age. My top five would be SPEAK OF THE DEVIL, NUMBER OF THE BEAST, HIGHWAY TO HELL, KILL EM ALL and APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION.

If you mean 'Speak Of The Devil', the Ozzy album, what a cracking album that is. The only album that I listen to just to hear the guitar work. An absolute masterpiece!
Speak of the Devil was cool because it was Sabbath songs heavier and live. Who would have thought the guy from Sister Christian could play side by side with OZZY and do so well. He got a lot of flack In my high school days cause he was replacing Randy Rhoads. I rememeber thinking gee give the guy a break Its not his fault Randy died no ones trying to replace him ya gotta move on with life guys. I think this was the first time I heard cool sabbath songs up until that point i only knew the Paranoid record. Sweet Leaf, Snow blind,children of the grave, sympton ot he universe, sabbath bloody sabbath all were new to me at the time i got speak of the devil. Big record form the past, may have to pick that CD up now
Sister Christian? Wasn't it Brad Gillis on guitar from Night Ranger? Or was he in Sister Christian also? I saw Ozzy on that tour at Wembley Arena with Brad Gillis on guitar, and to this day it is the best guitar performance I have ever seen. Why Brad Gillis wasted himself in Night Ranger I have no idea. If I remember right, he never actually joined Ozzy's band, he was just helping out until a new guitarist was found.
yeah Paxoman your right on ..Sister christian was the first big song from night ranger so I meant the guy form the song sister christian but the band was Night Ranger alright....Not for nothing but that would be a pretty cool name for a rock band though just wouldnt want people to think you were a Night Ranger tribute band!! The other guy in Night Ranger was a great player too but for the life of me i cant rememeber his name i wanna say Jeff Watson but im not sure thats right. Both guys were great players and although successful and selling records for Night ranger they were really being held back by playing in such a formula commercial band. Im sure both guys could blow doors off a lot of other palyers of the time. Gillis was a fill in for OZZY and the first player to play with Ozzy since RR , but man of all the Guitarist out there to replace RR and play for Ozzy, he must have smoked through his audition... I mean he was replacing Randy Rhoads?? I always wondered how good Ozzys next record would have been if Michael Schenker or George Lynch had joined. Th Bark at the Moon playing wasnt up to the first 2 Ozzys albums Jake E Lee was a good player but i remmeber guys at the old Boston Garden yelling shit cause he wansnt as good as Randy I mean its kinda pointless give him and Brad Gillis a break RAndy Rhoads is not an easily replaced part of a band. Anyway waht a big change form playing MTV /Radio friendly rock songs like Sister Christian to Children of the Grave. I think if he had a few albums to prove himself for lack of a better word street credibility he would have been something, but i just have to feel the west coast music scene had much more people to choose from but ..he got the job and the album and your concert experiance speak for themselves on how he deserved to be on the stage with the OZZ man
Cheers Fred. I know absolutely nothing about Night Ranger, apart from that Brad Gillis was in them, so Sister Christian means nothing to me!

That night at Wembley, the first song was Over The Mountain. Bloody hell the place exploded! Not only did Brad Gillis play those Black Sabbath songs amazingly well, but he also played all the Randy Rhoades songs amazingly well. To me, Brad Gillis is the best guitarist Ozzy ever had. It would have been interesting to hear what a studio album would have been like.

Jake E Lee was a good guitarist too. The Bark At The Moon album has lots of great riffs on it. I also saw Ozzy on the Bark At The Moon tour at the Hammersmith Odeon, with Jake E Lee on guitar. Of course, I was always going to compare the two Ozzy gigs and the two different guitarists. Jake E Lee came a very poor second in my opinion. But I think that was more down to the great performance of Brad Gillis, rather than a poor performance from Jake E Lee.

Jake E Lee actually had a short stint in Dio. The Holy Diver album was written with him in the band, but was recorded with Vivian Campbell. If you listen to the album, you can here Jake E Lee's style in most of the songs.

That's two great guitarists that played with Ozzy that never really went on to achieve great things like they should have done.

As a matter of interest, what is Brad Gillis doing these days? Are Night Ranger still going? And thinking about it, anyone know what Jake E Lee is doing these days?
yeah paxoman, sister christian was one of ther biggest hits it was a power ballad 1983 or so, probally ranks among some of the first powerballads of the 80s.... good song, but far removed from what OZZY was doing at the time. When you saw OZZY at the Bark at the Moon tour do you remember how long he played for?? I have never saw him since that tour, he only played for and hour and was overall a pretty boring front man. I mean the band rocked, but he didnt do much for me on that night . He has had a huge impact on metal with Sabbath and his solo stuff but live, i was very unimpressed. I want to say Night Ranger are still going but honestly have no idea. those 80-s bands like Saxon get no exposure anymore so the only way to know they are still rocking is to go to their section in the music store and see if they have newer albums out. I did that with Dokken recently looking for a hits compilation cd and sure enough they have quite a few releases since the glory days that i never knew of .Very interesting about Jake E Lee with Dio. First i ever heard of that certainlly makes you wonder about the success of Holy Diver and Last of Line had Vivian not played on them. I mean Where would Dio be today if those 2 records didnt have the impact they had .Although evryone has there own opinions on music its safe to say his 2 biggest commercial successes came with Vivian Campell on guitar. I agree about Jake E Lee being a good riff master but pretty differant styles all around I really feel Michael Schenker could have done some magic with Ozzy after Randy passed away ...there styles are closer than both Jake Lees and Brad Gillis.Man, i think im gonna have to pick up the CD of Speak of the Devil after all this and rediscover Brads playing.I dsont think ive heard it since high school a long, long time ago, Like i said that was how i really became familiar with a lot of the old Black Sabbath stuff