Desktop calendars


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Can anyone recommend a free desktop calendar, if such a thing exists? I've been after one for a while to use on my home PC, as I use the one that comes with Lotus Notes at work extensively.

The ESP tour thread reminded me of it. I'd like to be able to put such dates straight into a calender on my PC, in order for a reminder to pop up to buy tickets etc.
I use the portable build of Sunbird, which I can't find the link to at the moment. The link to the non-portable version (which would be fine of you are the only one using it, and you only want to see your own stuff) is at

It's still in alpha release (which just means it's a very early build) but I've used it for ages now and it's fine. It's related to Firefox (the browser) and Thunderbird (the email client).

If you want an online type of thingo, yahoo has one, and there are rumours that Google is developing one, but it's quite a way away yet.
Thanks Phlog, I am indeed after one purely for my own use, and only on my own PC. I'll have a look... I've used the Yahoo calendar once or twice, but I'm after something I can use offline.

I only use Yahoo mail, Brian, so am not even sure if I have an email program!