Desperatly Need Help


Apr 18, 2008
Hey guys, ok. I've posted about a band i've been producing a lot. But this time thing are getting serious. They are about to play a show for Comcast cable (to go on demand) and are being scouted by a huge record label.

Basically I need all the input I can on the mix sound.

Here's the specs (Don't laugh I did what I could with NO Budget and no real good equipment.)

Guitars :
B.C. Rich Warlock
Gibson Les Paul Studio

Line 6 Spider III 120 Watt Combo

Direct Input done using IK Media Stealthplug

Drums recorded audio-technica usb mic, and it sounded like shit. Then it was midi'd out over it with EZdrummer and over sampled using drumagog.

Bass was DI. And the vocals were done using an Audio-Technica USB Condeser mic.

All was mixed/mastered in Adobe Audition 1.5. Basically I need help. I don't know how good I did at compression on drums/vocals, and if there is more I can do the guitars. And also, I hate the drums. I need a snare that sounds like Papa Roach but I don't have one. Thanks guys
That's some seriously ghetto recording equipment

The guitars are horrid, they have the line6 spider fizz all over them. Try cutting somewhere between 4-5K
yeah. I hate the amp but its all we got. Basically, I am getting better equipment soon. But at this point, I can't get a job, and my dissability is slowly getting me into socail security (I have brittle bones/crippled producer here.) and the band is young guys out of high school so we said lets fucking make it the best we can on what we got.
That Comcast thing is a joke dude, don't get to pumped. I would tell them not to do it personally. The sound is usually so bad that it makes the bands look even worse then they are. Most of the bands are shit on that anyway to begin with, actually every band Ive seen on there is shit. These are just my opinions and I'm trying to be honest from a listener or viewer.

About the mix....

I think you need some more overheads in the mix and as stated the guitars sound fizzy. Its not as bad as I thought the mix was going to be when I read your post. Ive recorded a spider amp (I don't miss those days) and i ended up having to low pass like down to 8khz or some shit. Also you really have to watch how much gain you use because more gain=more fizz with those amps.
We're basically taking the comcast show for the fact it's a nice venue here in Michigan, and it's a show. We haven't played in months due to this record and no drummer for a while, but yeah. I realize it's not a huge deal. But it gets us in the local paper, also booked us a few more shows locally and it's just kinda good to have another show at a nice venue. But we were told a A&R rep from a label (I don't wanta name which one) is coming to watch us and want a press kit so we're kinda like we gotta play it.

And yeah I agree with the OH. I am going to up them and add a bit more room to the drums. And I just lo-passed the guitars a bit and it sounds a little better. OH and the solo was done not DI like the rest, its an old take it was done by micing the amp with the condeser mic (how we did it the first time and that was a joke!)
Yep I figured it was....

I rent my studio right down the road from that place. Not the best area but its cheap. Plus bands love being entertained with bums/people trying to sell them shit and hookers hitting on them at the store!